Chapter Six

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Bulkhead couldn't believe another teammate had died, and another one was possibly on their way to join the first. He didn't have the heart to tell the kids what had happened, but he would have to. Rachet was trying to take care of his team mate while Optimus was attempting to help. After his friend had died, he had lost it; Ratchet had to tell him to leave. He had watched Rachet do everything he possibly could, but they were too far gone. Bulkhead buried his head in his hands; he tried his best not to fall apart. It didn't work.

Rachet couldn't believe they lost another one; first it was Cliff now Arcee, he worked franticly to save Bumblebee. He was trying to mend the cuts on the little bot, for some reason he wasn't mending like he should. Rachet noticed a bite mark on the scout's neck; he started to scan it when the sparks monitor flat lined.

"NO!" Rachet yelled banging his fist on the table; he wasn't going to lose another one. Ratchet franticly scanned for the problem, his scanners stopped above the scout's spark chamber, he opened it and gasped at the sight. Bumblebee's spark had black line swirling inside of it, Rachet scanned it and his eyes widened when he realized it was some sort of poison. He yelled at Optimus to grab an antidote, he worked as fast as he could, Prime brought over a bottle and Rachet put it into a shot, he injected the liquid into the young dying bot. After a couple minutes of working, Bee's monitor stayed flat, Rachet yelled in frustration. Optimus put his hand on the medics shoulder to comfort him, but the medic shrugged him off. He watched as the poison swirled around the bots spark, it expanded and seemed to consume its host, suddenly it started to shrink away and disappear. Ratchet looked hopeful, he heard the monitor start to beep quietly. Rachet cheered to himself, and then quickly went to work, he had to get the poison out, and then maybe he could save the little scout.

Bumblebee heard a distant beeping, he didn't know what it was, but he was sure he had already died; perhaps it was some sort of thing bots hear before becoming one with the All Spark. At least Arcee was safe, and alive, he knew Rachet had saved her. He was suddenly filled with guilt when he thought of the pain Arcee would feel when she discovered he had become one with the All Spark. He wished there was a way he could let her know it wasn't her fault. The beeping was becoming extremely annoying, he felt himself waking up, and wait wasn't he dead? His systems came back online, he heard someone franticly walking around him, and he heard someone crying. A small hand touched his shoulder; it was too small to be an autobot, Raf? Everything slowly came back, his eyes opened and he slowly turned his head to see the small boy smile, he had tear streaks running down his face.

"Rachet, he's awake!" the boy said as he hugged his yellow friend. Bumblebee heard running and Rachet came into view. He quickly scanned the young scout, when he was satisfied with the results he helped Bee sit up. Bumblebee was extremely confused, he was sure he had been on his way to the afterlife; well at least Arcee wouldn't be sad or feel guilty. He looked around the room, where was everyone else?

Rachet looked at the concern on the scouts face, how was he going to break the news to him?

"Bulkhead and Optimus went to pick up the other two earth children, Raf got out early that's why he's here." Rachet said.

Bumblebee smiled he was so glad everything was back to normal, if that was true, why did Rachet look so sad? Bumblebee shakily stood up, he was about to say something when he heard the others come in. Bulkhead transformed and hugged Bee as soon as Miko jumped out, Jack solemnly walked over to Raf, Optimus transformed and spoke to Rachet in a quiet voice. Bulkhead released his little friend, who staggered for a moment before standing straight; he was so excited to see everyone alright.

"Where's Arcee?" Bumblebee asked, he watched as everyone's face suddenly fell, his spark broke at their response. He asked again, but no one looked them in the eye, they didn't have the spark, or heart to tell him, he turned to Rachet.

"Rachet, is Arcee okay?" Bee asked pleading with his eyes, Rachet sighed in frustration.

"Come with me Bumblebee." He said. Bumblebee followed the medic, he looked over his shoulder at the sad faces, he didn't want to fear the worse but his spark was telling him something had gone horribly wrong.

They walked down one of the corridors to an empty room; Arcee was laying on the table, her beautiful blue color now faded to a darker gray. Bumblebee walked up to his friend, while Rachet stayed at the door, he looked at the wound that had extinguished her spark, and his knees buckled. He couldn't believe it, his friend had died, and it was his fault, maybe if he had fought harder, or been more alert she would still be alive. Why didn't she leave him in the cave to get the others when they ran into Starscream? There was no one to blame but himself, Rachet had done all he could, there was nothing to be done. Bumblebee looked into the face of his friend, he suddenly had an idea, and he turned back to Rachet. Bumblebee stood up and walked to the medic, as he thought about his idea he figured it could work, no, it would work. It had to work.

"Rachet, is there a way Arcee could get another spark? The humans do it, is it possible for us?" Bee chirped, Rachet thought about it for a moment.

"It could be, I have thought about the matter, but where would we find someone willing enough to give up there spark?" Rachet asked, Bumblebee looked back at his fallen friend, he realized he would do anything for her, without taking his eyes off her he said.

"Give her my spark."

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