Welcoming Bliss - Chapter One

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            It took approximately 15 minutes to get to the place I dreaded the most. Willow Hollows High School. Groaning softly, I got off the school bus and headed towards the doors. Cypress and Jensen would be waiting for me near my locker. Walking up the steps and into the building, chatter and happiness flooded out into the atmosphere.  After making a few turns and climbing up a few steps, I finally met up with two of my three closest friends.

“Violet!” Cypress shrieked.

“Cypress, Dean.” I nodded.

“Have you seen the new foreign exchange student?” She questioned cheerfully.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I shook my head. Why, I hadn’t even known there was a new student. Chuckling under my breath, I expected Cypress to be the first one to know about things like this. Because our school was pretty big it was hard to know who was checking in and out. With over 1,000 students you could feel a little overwhelmed and unaware.

“Violet! Earth to Violet!” Cypress repeated chantly.

“Have you been listening to a word I’ve been saying?” she inquired.


She sighed, making her dark chocolate bangs flow out of her face. Cypress was gorgeous in my opinion. She had dark brown locks flowing to her mid back with forest green eyes. Often, I found myself envying her. She had an hourglass figure with curves all around.  I, on the other hand had straight black hair with shocking light grey eyes.  My body was the only part of myself I liked. It was exactly like Cypress’ which was the only reason why my self-esteem was boosted.

Jensen had light blonde-brownish hair with dark brown eyes. He was the badass one of our group. He appeared to be “tough” but secretly I knew he was soft. He had two siblings, Rianna and Darren who he was very overprotective with.  He was sarcastic although he sometimes came off rude.

I noticed Jensen hadn’t said a word ever since I arrived. Looking up at him I gave him a look. He shrugged and grinned.  I got along with Jensen better than I did with Cypress.  We’ve known each other ever since we met at the playground when we were four years old. He was considered a best friend—more like a brother to me. Cypress was my best female friend because she was the first person to ever talk to me other than Jensen. I loved them both unconditionally.

“Whose class do you have first?” Cypress asked

“Russian with Mr. Kologrivov” I replied with a grim smile set on my face.

“I have English with Mr. Tasslin” Jensen spoke up.

“What about you?” I murmured to Cypress.

“Community/Government.” Cypress answered, groaning to herself.

“Well, I better head to class. I wouldn’t want to be late!” my cheerful friend exclaimed.

We nodded to each other and departed to class.  As I walked, I drifted into my thoughts. According to my mother, I was of Russian decent. I spoke it fluently with her and my family from time to time. My father was from Russia as well.  Mother had told me that her and father met when they were children.  Soon, their friendship deepened and as they grew older they fell in love.  However, my father vanished from our sight when I was just a toddler. No one knew why my father left, not even my mother.  I often found myself wondering where he had gone, who he had gone to and why.

Drifting out of my thoughts, I arrived at Room 524. This was Mr. Kologrivov’s classroom according to my schedule.  Nodding to myself I walked into the room with triumph hoping I didn’t enter the wrong classroom.  After a few minutes, I exhaled after a man with grey hair and blue-green eyes walked into the room introducing himself as Mr. Kologrivov.  As time passed, we took notes and often repeated what Mr. Kologrivov wanted us to repeat. They were usually greetings and sayings.

 I began to lose interest after a while and I began to gaze out the window. The view was stunning in my opinion, with the forest in the back getting wet because of the thunderstorm that was currently happening. Droplets of water raced down the window and onto the wet bricks our school was constructed of.  Soon, the door of room 524 opened and someone walked in. My eyes drifted from the window to the unknown person standing next to our Russian teacher.

    “Everyone, it appears to be we have a new student. Please meet Sevastian Vasiliev.” Our teacher introduced with his thick European accent.

He looks eerily familiar I thought quietly. He towered at about 6’1, certainly being taller than I at 5’4.  He had silky dark brown hair that was slightly mossouled. His eyes were a startling grey, piercing through everyone’s soul. His muscular body was apparent through the maroon dress shirt he wore.  His face looked as if it was chiseled out of stone, carved into perfection. Suddenly, she had the urge to run her hands through his hair and hold his gaze forever. His eyes roamed the student body, one by one until his gaze stopped on hers.  They froze, sharing a moment locking gazes at each other until she darted her eyes down.

“You may sit next to Ms. Corrows, in the second row.” Mr. Kologrivov addressed Sevastian.

Sevastian nodded his head and began to make his way to sit next to Ms. Corrows, known as Lucia. As he was walking, the boys were glaring and the girls were swooning. Some were whispering to each other, giggling and grinning aimlessly. The boys however were glaring at him out of pure jealously and some were wishing to be him. Lucia’s face was turning a faint pink colour as he sat down. Her hands fumbled for the pen she had put down earlier to write.  

Chuckling to herself, Violet went back to gazing out the window as Mr. Kologrivov taught.  This boy is quite different, she thought. There has to be something about him, she wondered. It was as if he was a Roman god, coming back from his era. Mr. Kologrivov kept speaking teaching the class what she already knew. In the meantime, she wondered where he was from. Vasiliev, sounds so familiar. Gazing at the boy, Violet frowned. Where had she seen this boy before?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2011 ⏰

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