A Forbidden Kiss Part 7

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Exhilarated by our forbidden kiss, I run like the wind. It is as if the very hounds of hell are snapping at my heels. I lose count of how many people I bump into as I dodge and weave down King Street. Adrenalin fuels my whole body, giving me the strength to run on and on. I dare not look back in case he is giving chase, for I know that if he is pursuing me I would not have the strength to resist. Eventually I feel my legs starting to ache. I cannot get enough oxygen into my lungs and so I have to stop. Tentatively I look behind me, panting, half expecting him to be upon me but he is nowhere to be seen. I am saddened to see that he does not have the desire to follow but I am, equally, relieved that he chose not to. I have crossed a line and the realisation of my impulsive actions starts to sink in.

Exhausted, I walk slowly home, nervously looking over my shoulder, just in case. I am wracked with guilt and I avoid anything but a cursory acknowledgment once the front door closes behind me. I nip upstairs and shut the bedroom door. I have sanctuary. The anxieties kick in. What happens if he turns up at the shop? Mr Maier is sure to see right through me. How can I possibly face either of them? How long will it take before others get wind of my indulgence? His friends are bound to find out. I bet he is bragging to them right now. Oh what have I done? I will be ostracised, or worse. How could I have been so naive? I have brought disgrace on my family. Maybe I should take the day off and feign sickness, perhaps two days or even a week. The longer I stay away the better. Maybe I should just run away and be damned. But there is nowhere to go. 

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