Hogwarts Most Wanted - Chapter Ten

Start from the beginning

“Sounds like fun! Who else is going?” I asked.

“Oh just most of the 7th year Gryffindors.” She spoke flirtatiously. Annie sighed and her beautiful smile dropped.

“Can Annie come to?” I asked. Bree shot daggers at me.

“Gryffindors only!” She yelled.

“But we’re”

“Looking after Annie”

“Over the holidays.” Fred finished. “And of course you’d want Georgie at the party so we can’t leave her by herself!” Bree sighed.

“Fine! But then George HAS to be with me for the whole party…ok?” I nodded.

“Is Avery going to be there?” I blurted. I had only met Avery once before, but she seemed nice enough, and I was just trying to diffuse the tension.

Avery, was Bree’s little sister. She was the same age as Ron but, unlike Bree, was a Ravenclaw. Of course she had the same family as Bree BUT was much nicer. She had unnaturally bright red hair and brown doe eyes. She was about the same height as Annie, so quite short and pale.

“Should be, but she has no one her own age coming. Maybe I should invite Luna…but that’s another Ravenclaw!”

“What about Neville?” Blurted out Annie. “He’s a Gryffindor and her age, and you never know” She pointed towards the stuttering Neville as he looked to be trying to get the nerve to talk to Avery. “They might hit it off.” She smiled brightly and beautifully.

Bree puffed but nodded.

“Fine I’ll invite him!” And with that she walked away and we got ready to leave.

Annie POV

At the Burrow

It was magnificent! Spectacular! Out of this world! The house was gorgeous and rustic as I walked with Fred to the front door.

Suddenly a pair of arms came flying at me followed by a giant bush of red.

“It’s nice to meet you Annie! I’m Molly, the mother of this bunch!” She laughed as we moved into the house.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you to Mrs Weasley.” A giant smile grew across my face.

“Now kids, Dad will be home from the hospital tomorrow but will need to go back after Christmas. Also some of the Order are visiting tonight.” She rushed to give all of the Weasley kid’s hugs.

That Night

“Thank you for dinner Mrs Weasley, it was beautiful.” I told her as I put my dish next to the sink.

“I do try.” She giggled as a knock was heard at the door. She rushed over to it quickly. “That must be the Order!” I could tell she was excited.

“What do you think of the place?” George whispered in my ear as Mrs Weasley stepped outside to speak with the visitors.

“It’s amazing. I am so overwhelmed!” I told him as I stood awkwardly.

“Really? I mean, you lived in the Goyle’s mansion…”

“Yea, in the shed!” I laughed. The people started to file in from the door, all complete strangers to me.

“Annie sweetie I’d like you to meet, Tonks, Kingsley and Mad eye.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Annie.” A young woman greeted me, her hair a soft purple, changing to a bright bubblegum pink.

“You too! I’m a metamorphous to!” I changed my natural blonde/brown to a bright red. She smiled at me before a large, scary man with a crazy eye hurried her along.

“Oh Molly, Remus should be along soon.” Molly nodded as I met the other two.

All too suddenly a recognisable face showed up before me at the door. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything but scream at the man.

The man that had become a monster.


Sorry it's kinda short :/ BUT I wanted to explain to you why I have been SOOO bloomin busy!

About two weeks ago I auditioned for a play called Snugglepot and Cuddlepie (Australian play) and I got in!!! YAY So I have to attend rehearsals and such not to mention all my school work!

Anyways as you guys mmight have guessed it (you did guess it) Remus IS Annies dad and all will be revealed in the next chapter!! Also, stay tuned to Rose in the Ice because I have decided to combine them as one!!! SOOO there are ALOT of spoilers about Annie in the next chapter of that!!!

Anyways hope you guys are doind well and I need about....15 votes. Just to give me some time :D

Bye Lovies O3O

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