Untitled Story Part

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 I was walking through the halls at school one morning with my brother and his girlfriend, I heard a sound from one of the lockers and opened it. A small Italian girl jumped out and hugged me as both of us fell to the floor she had her arms around my neck and said, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

I looked at her and said, "Why where you in a locker?"

She said, "Someone from the 2p class put me in it and I was stuck."

She had tears running down her tan face, I sat up and said, "Are you okay?"

She said, "Yeah, I'm Alice."

I said, "Ludwig."

Gilbert said, "Ludwig I'm going to go on to class with Maddie."

I said, "All right."

Alice sat up and got out of my lap, I got up and held out my hand for her and she grabbed it, I helped her up and said, "So would you like me to walk you to class."

She said, "Yeah."

I walked her to class and it turned out we had the same class everyone in the class was Nations, our teacher was Rome, Italy had a sister who was also in our class named Romano, she looked at me and I could see the hatred directed towards me in her eyes she looked like she was going to kill me, a boy with black hair and a turtle on his head came over to her, I'm guessing it was her boyfriend and sat beside her.

Soon everyone was in class and we all just sat there in silence, After class I went out into the hall and saw Italy being shoved into the girls bathroom, I then heard her screaming in pain I got closer to the door and heard punches and louder screams. I finally couldn't take it anymore and went in I saw the 2p's beating her up she was on the floor crying in pain. I yelled, "Get away from her!"

They looked at me and left, I knelt down beside her and said, "It's okay they're gone."

She said, "Thank you Ludwig." She tried to sit up but couldn't. I put my arm under her back and my other arm under her knees, her arms and legs where covered in bruises. I picked her up and took her to the nurse I set her down on one of the beds and the nurse checked on her, I sat beside her to make sure she was okay. The nurse wrapped her arm and leg in bandages after Italy saying she couldn't move them. Her sister came in with her boyfriend and said, "Italy are you okay?"

Italy said, "Yeah." She looked at me and said, "Thank you for helping me Germany."

She had a deep blush on her face and I said, "Your welcome."

Hungary said, "Italy you should go home and just lye down for a while."

Italy said, "Okay Germany can you take me home?"

I said, "Yeah." I got up and picked her up brought her to the door, she had her good arm around my neck and said, "I'll see you at home Romano."

We all left the nurses office and Italy hugged Romano. I took her to my car and put her in the passengers seat, I put her seatbelt on for her then went to the drivers seat. I got in and drove her to her house. When we got there I went to the passengers seat and got her out of the car, I brought her to her room and put her down on the bed. I sat down beside her and said, "I'll stay here with you until Romano comes home."

She said, "Thank you Germany."

I said, "You should get some sleep."

She grabbed my sleeve and I looked down at her and said, "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep."

I said, "Yeah."

She said, "Thank you I feel safer when you're around."

I had no idea what to do I just sat there and she said, "You can lie down if you want to."

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