Chapter 63 "Guilty"

Start from the beginning

I look speechless at Niall, now it was like I found the missing piece to the puzzle which made me understand everything. I shook my head in disbelief. I didn’t write that, I can’t write that. When I wrote the tweet “Be true to who you are" I didn’t mean all of this. I meant to be loyal to yourself and don’t let anything smash you like it’s smashing me right now.

"I swear I didn’t write that, Niall" He was silent, and this silent was killing me. I’ve lost the majority of my friends and I wasn’t going to stand loosing Niall too, not right now"


I was looking at her but… I’m Niall. I don’t know how to act in these weird situations, I was very bad at calming people down or comfort them, I didn’t want to make it worse. I was scared when [Y/N] threw her phone to the ground. I knew these things affect her like knifes in her back and I tried several times to take her phone away from her, but she didn’t let me. I was suffering too for her, I didn’t like seeing her like that.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling her Twitter account. Theresa said something about it, so that’s when I see it. Two tweets after she wrote some kind of quote. 

"Princess, have you…" I was hesitating, I didn’t know if this would hurt her even more “have your wrote this?" she sat up and took my phone.  I was looking at her gorgeous eyes. They were read, filled with tears, but still they were gorgeous. When she finished, she looked at me and I could tell she was so sad, she was torn, she was broken. 

"I swear I didn’t write that, Niall" she whispered. I started to remember then that conversation of Chloe and someone on the other line, she was a liar, she was false, and I knew [Y/n] wasn’t able to write that, she’s not like that, I know her so well. She’s too good to hurt anyone, even her worst enemy. 

I then hugged her so tightly, I pulled her to my chest and I was rubbing her hair, just to see if I had the chance to relax her. 

"I know you didn’t write all that shit, babe. I know you, and I know you wouldn’t be able to write that" I said and I kissed her head.

"You do? Do you believe me?"

"I haven’t doubt any second of it, and I swear we’re gonna find who hacked your twitter. Now, go and have a shower, we have interviews to attend"

"But… but what if they ask me about all this situation? What am I supposed to say?"

"Just say the truth, the one who lies, sooner or later will show their real self and they’re going to lose. Just be you ok? And smile, please" I said and kissed her cheek as I was wiping away her tears. 


Before having the interview I had a chat with Lucas, he was asking me if I had written all the tweets, you all know what my answer was, right? For the billionth time, I haven’t written that s**t. Plus, I was with Niall watching the movie and my phone was with me all the time in my pocket. 

I think he believed me, he was like a father to me and it would hurt me so much if he, after what Theresa did, didn’t believe my words either. 

I was siting in front of the interviewer, and after some general questions, it came, and I didn’t know if I was ready or not to hear it.

"So… what happened between Chloe and you, and all your tweets?" I sighed and bite my lip in an attempt to not cry in front of everyone. I was nervous and I know my voice was going to crack in any moment.

"Look, I don’t know how all this situation started, but I swear I didn’t. I haven’t written all those tweets." I had to pause before continue to have a deep breath “And whoever who done that, thank you, you’ve taken a great part of me" I said thinking of Theresa in that moment. I looked at the ceiling trying to contain my tears. “You’re strong, [Y/N], remember that, you don’t want everyone to see you crying, right? Just don’t cry" I told to myself.

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