Chapter 60 "Sharp Games"

Start from the beginning

"Ok, Chloe, now, like you’re new here in the group, let’s gonna find something about you. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" she said defiant. 

"I dare you to kiss on the lips the guy you like the most" Fuck. What the fuck have you just done Louis? I used to like you, not anymore. Now I hate you!. Not for my surprise but the other’s surprise she went towards Niall and placed her lips onto his. I looked to the other way because that was too much to handle for me although it was just a game, but not with her. If it was Theresa I wouldn’t mind at all but with Chloe is totally different. I pressed my knees even more to my chest and I took a deep breath. When they pulled apart Niall looked at me like asking me if I was ok. Of course it wasn’t his fault but I wasn’t in the mood in that moment.

"Ok, now it’s Harry’s turn"

"I choose truth mate. I’m not that brave" said Harry giggling. I bet that’s because he knew Louis so well.

"Is it true what you murmured while you were sleeping the other night?"

"What did I murmur?"

"You know about the kids and everything…?"

"What did you murmur Styles?" asked Theresa. His cheeks turned a sightly reddish color. And he was with this silly smirk of someone who’s in love.

"I… I dreamed we had kids and well… I think I murmured I wanted you to be the mother of my child"

"And that’s true Styles?" replied Louis with a grin in his face and raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah that’s true"

Everyone said Awwww and Harry hugged Theresa. They’re so in love. I think they’re perfect for each other. I smiled because I was happy for her but I wasn’t in my best in that moment.

"So… [Y/N] your turn honey! Truth or dare?" Niall held my hand but I avoided it. I didn’t want to. I was kind of “mad" at him? Jealous maybe? Whatever.

"Truth" I said quietly. I felt my insecurity growing up inside me again. 

"What type of underwear are you wearing right now?"

"What type of question is that?" I questioned back.

"You can’t question my questions, just answer" said Louis and everybody laughed.

"Light pink lace bra and matching thong, happy now?"

"Have I seen it?" asked Niall

"No, it’s brand new" I answered and all the boys said an “Uhhhhhh" tapping on Niall’s arm or raising again their eyebrows.

"Niall, your turn"


"Ok, so like you love drinking you have to lick some whisky from a girl’s chest"

"Can I chose the girl?" he asked

"No because we all know who you’re gonna pick so to make it more interesting you’re going to say a number and we’ll count till that number"

"Ok, 7" Louis counted and his finger landed on… guess who? Yes Plastic Chloe, seriously? This wasn’t my night today. Zayn dropped some liquid from the bottle in Chloe’s chest and  I can’t describe it because I closed my eyes… but opened it a few seconds later and they were still doing whatever they were doing. 

"This is too much for me" I whispered and went to the bathroom. I wet my hands and then I put some water in my face and behind my neck when I heard someone knocking the door.

"Can I come in?" It was Niall. I had no reason to be mad at him, like real reason, it was just a game but anyways… I let him in and close the door again.

"Are you mad at me?" I didn’t look at his eyes nor speak. I just couldn’t. We both stood there, one in front of the other, not saying a single world.

"Baby, it’s just a game"

"I know it’s just a game, that’s the worst part. Everything starts with a game"

"But it doesn’t mean anything to me"

"Niall, you were enjoying it. Don’t dare denying it to me because that was the same face you make when we’re having sex… or at least used to make, because I don’t know you anymore. I don’t even know if you still like me or I’m just another game for you" I said and again I tried to avoid any contact with him

"You’re hearing yourself? Are you serious? I can’t believe what you’re saying"

"Just ignore her ok?" I said and I felt my eyes burning, I bet I had them with blood or something because if I were a cartoon in that moment I swear smoke would come out of my ears

"I’m the one here who don’t even know you. Seriously you’re trying to make me ignore her for just a stupid game? Do you know how silly all this situation is? We’re arguing for no reason"

"If think this situation is stupid then our relationship makes no sense. Why don’t you leave for once in your life? It’s clearly we don’t even make sense"

We stood there for a while not talking.


I’m in shock now. I don’t even know who she is anymore. I don’t even know if she was being serious right now Of course I wasn’t leaving. I love her. I love her with all my heart. I don’t feel anything for Chloe. It was just a silly game and her stupid feelings changed everything. 

"Like you’re not going, I’m the one who’s going. You’re free, you can fuck that bitch of Chloe" she said. Wait, what? was she dumping me? She opened the door and before I could reach her she was going down the bus because apparently it stopped to get some petrol.


I went to our bus and slide in the bed. Covered my face with the blankets in fetus position. Like I used to cry, so many nights in my bed to sleep. Why can’t I control myself? Why do I have to be so selfish sometimes and not see other perspectives right in the moment, not when it’s too late to fix it all? I’m such a mess. My pride took over me, you know why? Because of my insecurities. I’ve always been such an insecure and shy person that always thought everyone was better than me. Whenever I try to scape from that shell, there’s something that push me back on it but deeper. 

With the thoughts of my mind I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier and soon I fell asleep.

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