Chapter 53 "It's done"

Start from the beginning

We listened him carefully, assimilating each detail and then I thought we needed to do something to fix everything, and Niall, because he was broken.


This day have been horrible for me. I had to pretend like nothing happened and I was as happy as ever, but the truth was that inside I was broken into million pieces. Finally we finished filming the video and fortunately I won’t see that bitch of Chloe again. I was today in Florida, we flew today because I had some interviews and tomorrow I’ll be in NY city, for more interviews.

"Good morning [Y/N], how are you?" the interviewer said.

"I’m good thank you" I answered but I lied.

"I’m glad, well, your first single is going to be released very soon, are you excited?"

"Yeah, I’m so excited, it’s a very catchy song and I think you’ll all like it"

"How did you come up with this song?"

"Well, I was with Niall" saying his name hurt me so much, when I said it I felt a strong pain in my chest like if I was running out of hair “yeah, I was with him and well he helped me with the tune and everything"

"Aww that’s so cute, are you still together?" Ok, this question got me by surprised, are we still together or not? I don’t really know

"[Y/N], are you ok?" he asked me

"Mmm, yeah, I’m just… can we change the subject please? I’m not comfortable talking about my private life, sorry"

"Yeah, of course. Well, your tour is going to start really soon, anything excited that you can tell about it?"

"Well, we’re preparing it, we’re not sure yet because we have to release the CD, but I can assure you that there would be lots of dancers and outfits with lights and everything"

"Sounds good!"

When I finished the interview I went directly to the hotel but Lucas stopped me.

"[Y/N] can we talk for a second?" he asked me

"Yeah sure, what’s up?" we sat in a small living room the two of us alone.

"What’s wrong? Are you ok? You know you can tell me anything, that’s why I’m here, to support you" Lucas was like a father to me and yeah I could count on him whenever I wanted, he was a grave.

"Well, I’m not actually, it’s just… Niall and I… we’ll I guess we’re done…"

"What? Why? I thought your relationship was going well"

"I thought so too, until I saw that everything was a lie"

"Oh dear, do you want to tell uncle Lucas?"

I told him everything, from the top to the bottom of the story. Talking with him made me millions of times better. He was the only one apart from Theresa that understands me. 

"I don’t now what to do now… I have like 10 missing calls form him each second, seriously I can’t keep avoiding him and the worst part is that I love him so much but I can’t forget what he did…"

"I’m so sorry honey, come here" he said and hugged me like if I were his little girl. 

"That’s why I’m acting weird, I think…"

"well, you have your reasons, but hey, stop crying, everything is gonna be alright, sooner or later but it will. I want to see that beautiful smile of yours and forget about everything ok? Just relax and enjoy the moment"

"It’s gonna be hard Lucas…"

"I know it’s gonna be but at least try it, for me?"

"Ok, for you" I said giggling

"See? That’s my girl, come on, have some rest because we have to go later on to a photoshoot and you need to be gorgeous, well, you’re already are" I smile at his comments, see? that was the kind of thing I needed just now.

I went to the hotel room and grabbed my phone. Another 50 missing calls from Niall… I deleted them all. My phoned beeped, it was Theresa and I picked it up.

"Hey love! What’s up?"

"Hi Theresa, I’m busier than ever. I really need to go, talk to you later, byeee!" I hung up because honestly I didn’t feel like talking to her, I know she was my best friend but Chloe was also her friend and I didn’t want to argue or anything right now, because I swear that if I hear her name again something bad was going to happen in this world. Somehow I knew, she knew about me and Niall, and maybe that’s why she called, that’s why I hung her up. Now that I was alone it was time for me to change, to forget about them, to forget about everything. And with that I felt how my eyes were closing slowly falling sleep in the bed.

After the photoshoot we grabbed our suitcases to go to the airport and from there we took a plane to NY.

I’m dead tired now and tomorrow is going to be another exhausting day full of interviews and photoshoots so I’d better go to sleep now.

Sad and lonely night diary xx

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