Chapter 45 "Hometown"

Comenzar desde el principio

"It’s nice to meet you too Niall, she was very quiet, when we saw the kiss we were all shocked"

"Sorry about that but I thought that was the right thing to do, you know, juts to avoid misunderstandings"

"Yeah, I understand kid" said my father “Well, are you all ready to go home" 


The ride back home was jut like an interview, everybody was asking us questions about us, the band, my life… everything. My sister was stalking Niall haha I had to told her to be quiet because I didn’t want her to scare him. 

I looked at the window and everything was almost the same as it was when I left. I’ve missed the air, the weather, everything… even when the birds sang. 

Finally we got home and Niall was staying at the guests room because my parents didn’t want me to sleep with him, at least not in their house with my little sister going around and everything. Parents and Rules, I know, it sucks, but what could I do? Nothing! haha

I did a tour around the house for Niall to show him where was the bathroom, kitchen, his bedroom, living room, where was my bedroom too… 

"Are you still nervous Niall?"

"Yes, a little bit but you’re parents are nice, and your little sister is very funny"

"Yeah, I know sometimes she can be very annoying but yeah…"

"Who’s this?" he said pointing at a picture I had on my shelf. 

"Ow, he was… he was my first boyfriend. When I went to London we broke up, things weren’t going well, he was my best friend too, but you know… it sucked"

"I’m sorry babe"

"No, it’s ok, everything is in the past now,you’re my present" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Do you want to walk around the neighborhood?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Can I go with yoouuuuu?" 

"Lilly, what are you doing out there hearing us?"

"I’m sorry"

"Promise me you won’t do it again"

"She reminds me when I was little, I used to do the same thing with my brother, [Y/N], it’s ok"

"See? he understands me…"

"You want to come with us, Lilly?" he said

"Yeah, I’m gonna change"

"Yeah, we should probably have a shower and change our clothes"


Niall was in love with my city, he loved every part of it. We went from the parks to the shops, form the monuments to my old school… everything! He was being super cute with my little sister, which made my heart melt. He was with his arm around me and with his other hand holding Lilly’s hand. We went to the playground for her to play and he even pushed her in the swings. I was surprised, I’ve never known Niall was so good with kids. Plus, it made me so happy seeing my boyfriend and sister getting on so well, he was just a sweetheart.

"Look! That’s [Y/N] and Niall Horan!!" said a girl shouting. She came towards us to ask for a picture and an autograph. We took the picture with her and sign a piece of paper she got but suddenly a bunch of people came towards us and this time we had no guards.

"Lilly, are you ok?" I said holding his hand.

"Come here honey" he said lifting her up in his arms.

When I found you (Niall Horan fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora