Chapter 40 "Something unexpected"

Start from the beginning

“Ok, well ladies, thank you so much for your attention”

“Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you!” we said and walk inside the theatre.

We sat where we were told. I saw a few artists and actors but I was too embarrassed to go and say hi… I was looking for the boys though, but I didn’t see them anywhere, maybe they were backstage or something.

The show began and a few singers performed their hits. We danced along and sang like crazies having a good time together. I saw Demi Lovato and suddenly I remembered all those magazines which talked about her and Niall and I couldn’t control myself and jealousy took over me and with that the anxiety of seeing Niall! Where were they?!

Finally the host shouted their names and butterflies, like if it was the first time I saw him, were in my stomach and a big smile was drawn in my face. I held Theresa’s hand and she smiled at me. They were singing LWWY

Wow, he was more gorgeous than the last time I saw him and taller and cuter… Seriously, he was fantastic! At first, they didn’t see us, we were trying to make them notice us but it was difficult. Finally Zayn noticed and told the boys where we were. Niall smiled as big as he could when he saw me and winked at me. My heart stopped for a second. I thought I was going to die literally right there.

When he sang his part “So tonight” he winked at me again and did a sensual move and I couldn’t do anything else than laugh so hard.

I noticed Harry was avoiding eye contact with Theresa, that was a raspy relationship and it needed to stop.

When they finished Niall said through the microphone:

“LA, how are you?!!!! Well, this song was written by a good friend of us, Ed Sheeran and well, it’s going to be our next single. I want to dedicate it to a special someone,. So, I hope you like it.” Everybody looked at Demi and jealousy was even stronger now. But anyways, I knew I was that someone.

When Harry was singing his part, this time was looking at Theresa, and his voice was raspy like if he wanted to cry. She was looking at him with a sad face wanted to cry too, but I squeezed her hand to tell her to stay strong.

Now it was time for Niall and well he always sang this part perfectly. He looked at me the entire time and I couldn’t feel happier.

Everybody applauded and shouted in agreement that they liked the song.

“Good evening guyyyyys!” Liam said “We wanted say a massive thank you to you guys, you’ve been fantastic and well, here are the nominees for the best actress.”

A brief video was on with each of the nominees. Theresa and I competed.

“I’m gonna kick your ass guuuurl!” I said

“Yeah, sure! Good luck!”

“Good luck to you too love”

“And in this envelope here we have the best actress of 2012” said Louis

“Let’s read it together lads” Zayn said

“And the winner is… [Y/N]!!!!!!!”

I was shocked. I didn’t even watch at the big screen because I’m sure my face was like an idiot in that moment. Theresa hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. The boys were happy for me too. I didn’t know what to do; I just stood there awkwardly like a statue. Finally someone told me where I was supposed to go.

The boys were there holding the award. Harry was holding it.

“Congratulations love” he said hugging and kissing my cheek handing me at the same time the award

“Thanks Hazz”

All the boys did the same and I thanked them all. Niall was the last one. Finally he hugged me so tightly. I’d missed his arms, his hugs when he buried his face on my neck and placed small kisses on it. I’d missed his scent, his accent, his laugh, his voice… everything about him.

“Congratulations princess. I’ve been voting all night and I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea” he whispered

“I’ve missed you too Niall and thank you”

“Please, don’t be mad at me now”

“What? Now? Why?” I said but soon I understood everything. He kissed me passionately in front of everyone. I heard some “Awww’s” people shouting, clapping… but after a few seconds I was deaf. It was only Niall and I. Like if we were in his bedroom a month ago.

After we finished I couldn’t look at the crowd but I had to say some words.

“Oh God… Hi…” I said, “Emm… this is a bit awkward… I didn’t expect that” I laughed and everybody laughed as well. “I’m gonna be quick, thank you to everybody that could make it happen, specially to my family although it’s been a long time since the last time I saw them. I love you so much! And thank you to these people; they know who they are for standing and cheering me up. Have a lovely night everyone!” I said and Niall held my hand as we walked out of the stage

“I hate you so much right now” I said still shocked and nervous

“But I love you haha It’s just… when I dedicated Little Things to you everybody looked at Demi and well it pissed me off somehow so I wanted to show everybody the you are mine and that I’m yours”

“Awwwww. I love you now” I said giggling.

“Well babe I have to go backstage again, ok? See you later?”

“Yeah, see you later”

I was walking to my sit again when suddenly someone stopped me.

“Hey gorgeous!”

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