Chapter 38 "Picture"

Start from the beginning

“I’m not sure if I’m prepare to be the most hated person in the world now”

“Please, you won’t, you’ll be the most envied girl, perhaps, but, hated?”

“Well, anyways… do whatever you want, but please, don’t say my name, at least not yet”

“Ok” he said kissing my cheek.

We both kept talking all night. Like his first album, up all night we stayed. We even saw the breaking dawn and we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I woke up to the sound of giggles. I opened one eye and saw the girls giggling, putting some cream and strawberries on us and what was worst, taking pictures of us.

“AHHHHH!! What are you doing?” Niall woke up shocked and scared because of my shout.

“What’s going on?” he said

“They’re taking pictures of us and now they’re putting some cream and strawberries on us”

They couldn’t stop laughing. Perrie was in the floor, Eleanor, with tears in her eyes and Theresa was with the phone taking pictures.

“Jesus Christ [Y/N] you’ve scared me. Oh, a strawberry” he said grabbing one and removing cream that I had on my nose to eat it afterwards.

“Oh, God, seriously Niall?”

“What? They’re so good!”

We both ended on the floor just laughing with tears in our eyes.

“Please, delete the pictures!! Girls! Pleaseeeee” I begged

“Nope!” they said at the same time

Niall behind me was trying to tell them to send the pictures to his phone, but I noticed that and I turn around.

“Don’t you dare” I said to him

“Hi, princess…” he replied moving his hand and smiling like if he’d never broken a glass in his life.

“I hate you all” I shouted leaving the bedroom.

I sat on the sofa and they came behind me.

“Hey, I don’t want you to be upset with us, it’s just… you looked so cute together and couldn’t contain ourselves” said Perrie

“Yeah, we’re sorry” added Eleanor

“The picture is removed, see? There’s no picture” replied Theresa showing me the phone.


“Well princess, I gotta go to finish the luggage and everything. I’ll see you girls this afternoon?”

“Yeah, I’m going” said Eleanor and Perrie

I looked at Theresa asking for an answer. She said no with her head. It was better for her.

“I don’t think I’m going, Niall. You know what we’ve talked last night. I’m going to your place afterwards if you want but I’m not going to the airport, sorry…”

“Yeah, I totally understand, so… see you in a few, right?”

“Yeah, see ya, babe” I said giving him a peck on his lips.

“We should get going too if we want to go to the airport, girls” said Eleanor

“Yeah, I really had fun and I hope doing this again” added Perrie

“I totally agree with her, it was a lot of fun”

 We all said goodbye and Theresa and I stayed at home.

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