Chapter 37 "Sleepover"

Start from the beginning

“Do you believe that?”


“But what should I do now? I can’t talk to him after everything I said to him”

“Well, wait and time will say. If you’re mean to be together, time will find a way to put you together, in the same path. Don’t talk to him by now; let things calm down a little bit. They would leave soon and I think it would be the perfect opportunity to make up your minds and think about what you really want”

“Thank you, that was exactly what I needed”

“I’m sorry for not being with you yesterday. You really needed me”

“No, it’s ok. I understand. I guess I was a bit jealous too, you know…”

“Yes, I know. But is everything ok now, right?”

“Yes” she said hugging me. Suddenly we heard the beep in Theresa’s laptop.


While she was reading the message I checked my twitter.

“Oh - my - Goodness” she screamed


“Come here, read it!” It was an email from a well-known brand. They wanted her to be her new face of their new products

“Wow, that’s great Theresa! It’s all what you’ve always wanted; to be a model. I knew one day you will be one”

“Ahhhhhh!!! I’m super excited!!”

“Yes, I know, when do you start?”

“Next week”

“Wooohooo! We have to celebrate it! What if we call the girls and invite them to sleepover. You know, a girls night?”

“Yeah, sounds good. No boys. I like that”

To be honest I was a bit jealous of her. She’s been always beautiful, with his big green eyes, perfect lips, clear skin and perfect shape, apart from being tall. I know she will success in modelling, but I’m a bit scared of just staying here with no more roles to play or things to do after all I did. At least she had a way to keep on these, but I hadn’t.

I phoned the girls and they were happy to come over. We went to the supermarket to get a few things for tonight, like some ice cream, pop corns, lots of sweets…

We prepared everything, put some mattresses on the floor of the living room, made popcorns, put the sweets and food in bowls and grabbed some blankets in case it got cold.

They were finally here





We told them the news and what happened with Harry and Theresa. They had become like if we were friends since little kids.

They all supported my argument so Theresa must wait to let things calm down.

We forget about all of this and watched a movie. It was a bit boring to be honest, so I decided to throw a pillow to Perrie.

“Ouch! Hey! You’ll see!” she said throwing me another pillow setting up a pillow fight, which ended with lots of feathers everywhere.

It was a lot of fun. We were just like crazy moving the pillow everywhere because we couldn’t see due to the feathers. Sometimes you felt like an idiot hitting the air, but it was funny.

After that we ate some pizza and painted our nails while we were gossiping and everything, reading articles from magazines or twits from Twitter.

I leave you, dear diary, some pics here:

I uploaded the last picture on Twitter. “What a great night! I love your nails gurrrls!”

We were feeling a bit lazy and we were falling asleep, so we decided that it was time for us to go to bed.

Night Night Diary!

16th September 2012

Let’s come back to last night, Diary.

The girls and I were all asleep when suddenly I woke up to the sound of a knock in the door. I got up and went to see what was it. I looked through the curtains but I didn’t see anything. I heard those noises again but this time in my window. I was scared. I grabbed the stick of the broom and went outside when suddenly I felt someone grabbing me and I couldn’t help but scream as loud as I could but he or she put his/her hand in my mouth.

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