Chapter 26 "Paris"

Start from the beginning

Soon, we were at the top of the tower. You could see the entire city with all those giant gardens and infinite trees.

“That’s absolutely amazing” I said

“Yeah, and you know what’s the best part babe?”


“That I’m with you” he said hugging me from my back

I couldn’t feel confortable with that comment, at least not right now. I went away from him without him noticed but he noticed it.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“What? Nothing! What are you talking about?”

“You’re avoiding me whenever I try to be with you”

“Please, David, don’t be dramatic. It’s just I’m tired, ok?”

“Don’t make up excuses, you said that last night. You were tired for me but not to do a twitcam, seriously?”

“Please, David, you’re misunderstanding this situation. I did a twitcam because fans asked me to”

“And I asked you too”

“Look, I don’t want to talk about this right now ok? Not here”

Suddenly a beep sounded on my phone. It was a notification from twitter but David took my phone.

“What are you doing? Give me back my phone David”

“Who is it, it’s someone else [Y/N]?”

“What? It’s just a fucking notification. Give it back!” I said and I took it from his hand going where Theresa and Sean were.

“Let’s go” I said grabbing Theresa’s arm

“Wait, why…?”

We sat on the grass and I told her everything that happened.

“Leave him alone. It’s just all the stressed we’re going through. Don’t take it too seriously [Y/N]”

“Yeah… I know but…” I said as I read the notification that was on my phone earlier.

It was from a fan, such a sweet message. It really cheered me up. I text her back and then I started scrolling down and I stopped in one.

“Oh my Goodness” I said


“Did you see what I tweet about I don’t know, a few minutes ago?”

“Yeah, that quote that said something about missing someone?”

“Yeah, well, look at this”

I handed her my phone.

“I don’t hate you, I never will. I just act like I do because it’s easier than admitting that I miss you”

“Mmm… ok, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, Niall’s been acting weird lately”

“But in what sense?”

“I don’t know, he doesn’t even speak to me”

“But, what’s the reason?”

“That’s the point. There’s no reason why”

“Well, just let’s have fun today. We have some free time today and we never have it, so, stand up, smile and be the beautiful you that you are”

“Thanks” I said giving her a smile.

We continued walking around the Eiffel Tower but without the boys. We took a picture of us and uploaded to Twitter, Facebook and every social network we had.

After an hour or so we were interrupted by a texted message.

“Oh, someone has thought about me” Said Theresa taking it out of her purse.

It was a message from Harry it said “Hi babe! I really hope you’re having fun, but the truth is… I really miss you. Come back soon pleeeeease! Xx”

“I’m having fun Harry so I don’t want to come back J But I miss you too silly xx”

“:O You girl… Ok… Ok… Anyways, Do you know what’s going on between Niall and [Y/N]? He said to me he didn’t know who she was :S x”

“Did he? Oh God, I really don’t know… she told me he was acting weird… But it makes no sense, they were really good friends”

“Yeah, right? I’ll talk to him again, I think. Well, love, I have to go, byeeee xx”

(They were talking on twitter, DM. Just for you to know hehe)

Finally our free time ended and soon we were back to the hotel to have a shower because he had to do some promo. David and I talked about what happened and everything was clear now. He admitted that he wasn’t right and that he was sorry. So with that we headed to the premiere.

There, lots of French celebrities, such as actresses, actors, fashion bloggers, directors… had came to see our film. Lots of fans were standing at the sides of the red carpet. It was insane what was happening. I’m here now because all of them. I was very thankful to be honest. We got off of the car and I went straight to the fans that were screaming as laud as never. I took pictures with them, sign some autographs. I was feeling really weird. Two years ago I was there, asking for autographs and fangirling over everything and I want them to be happy. There were some boys there that were really handsome and was saying just the typical things that I were pretty, if I could be their girlfriend… etc I am very cheeky and as the cheeky girl I was I was saying, you’re not that bad yourselves, or just wait for me when the film finishes. But I think I made a mistake. David came and told them nasty things to them. He was jealous. He grabbed my hand and took me away from there. I understood that. But after a while I was talking with a French actor that was, yeah, he was hot I have to say, when he grabbed me and kissed me right in front of him and then leading me right away from him to somewhere where there weren’t people.

“Hey calm down, you beast” I said

“Calm down? You’re talking with everything that moves”

“Yeah, that’s what a person is suppose to do. Talk to people. I don’t know why you get that jealous David. It’s nothing out of world”

Suddenly he pushes me against the wall. His hand was in my harm hurting me.

“Ah, you’re hurting me” I said, almost crying because I got really scared

“Look, if I see you with another guy again, you will regret it, ok?”

“What?” was he serious?

“I’m warning you” he said as he left.

I stood there with my hands shaking, my heart beating faster and faster and I couldn’t breath at all. I had to tell Theresa, no, she wouldn’t believe me, plus, it’s better not to say anything. Maybe he went to a pub with Sean and drunk too much. Yeah, that’s it.

After that I hadn’t talked to any guy again. I saw him usually looking at me. Watching if I talked to some guy or take pictures. 

The premier was over and we headed back to our hotel. David was hugging me from the back and he said whispering in my ear.

“You’ve been a good girl today. I like good girls, you know… ‘Cause bad girls must be punished”

I pulled away from him. Shivers where all around my spine now and I went straight to my bedroom.

I don’t know what’s going to happen to be honest. It really scared me but I can’t tell anybody. It will ruin my career and now that I was climbing up I couldn’t let it to push me down again. I just want this week to finish already. I need to go home. 

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