Me? A Demon? Ha!

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I do not own anything except for the plot. Onwards

The next morning when Alec woke up, he grinned and got dressed. *Now that I am powerful, I can do whatever I want*. He looked in the mirror to make sure his eyes were blue. He took a deep breath and exited his room. *Time to put my acting to the test* Alec thought as the living room was lit and the smell of pancakes reached his nose.

*Hm, Isabelle was always a bad cook* When he entered the kitchen, Isabelle immediately cowered in fear and Jace looked at him with worry. *Good* Alec thought dark thoughts crushing his mind *fear is always the first step*

"Hey, man" Jace waved a hand in front of Alec's face "You're not going to freak out and think we're demons again, are you?"

Alec acted confused "what do you mean again? When did I do it before?" Alec knew his acting was good as Jace also looked confused " You don't remember?"

Alec shook his head as a no and saw Isabelle visibly relax. *Aw* he found himself thinking *I would love to see the fear on my dear sisters face again* "So" Alec started "where's the daylighter?"

Jace looked at him weirdly "Why do you need Simon? I thought you hate him." Alec shook his head and gave a sincere laugh "Nah, I just need to ask him a question"

"Oh" Izzy spoke up "He is practicing for his gig" she checked her watch as Alec visibly scowled at her "He should be done now"

Alec grabbed his stuff "Okay, I'm off". Before they could argue, Alec was out the door and on the street. He looked behind him and smirked. *believing such a stupid lie* Hm, Alec decided to pay a little demon a visit
Magnus was so stupid.

Honestly, he should have noticed that the vampire he slept with only wanted his blood. When he woke up she was gone and so was an empty syringe Magnus hid in the cabinet. At least she didn't bite him and drained him of his blood.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Magnus knew alot of people but none would come at 7 in the morning. Except Shadowhunters. Magnus sighed in annoyance and opened the door. There stood Jace and Isabelle.

Before Magnus could close the door, Isabelle was already inside. Jace entered and looked around the dirty room. "Good, good" Isabelle commented "At least Alec is not the only suffering from this failed relationship".

Magnus stiffened "What are you guys doing? I thought I told Alec not to let his friends over" He saw Izzy look down in sadness.

Jace decided to answer "Alec doesn't know we are here. We came to talk about Alec" Jace sat on the couch and stared at Magnus with worry etched on his face.

Magnus still loved Alec and cared for him, but he just couldn't get Alec's selfish needs that day. But in public, Magnus knew he should hide his feelings for Alec if he wanted to get rid of them. So why haven't they left yet? Maybe Alec was the guy for Magnus.

After a few moments, he spoke "Okay, what about him?" Inside Magnus cringed at the fact that he said him instead of Alec. "What was so important" Magnus waved his hand around "That you had to tell me right away?"

Isabelle spoke seriously "Alec thought I was a demon" Magnus raised his eyebrows and motioned her to continue "Also at breakfast, Alec's eyes briefly flickered between red and blue, Magnus. What's going on with my brother, Magnus?"

Magnus thought for a moment, red eyes? His eyes widened in realization. Isabelle and Jace stared at him and he felt bad about what he was going to tell them "Your brother is most likely being possessed by a demon. A really manipulative one at that"

Isabelle fell of her chair and stared at Magnus's solemn expression "No" she whispered, fear overtaking her senses "No, But Alec is do nice and.." Her words trailed off as the the truth set in. "No" she was now horrified "Demon blood is in his viens and he might die and we need to save him" she kept blabbering on and on and on until Magnus silenced her

"Where did you say Alec was going?" Izzy looked uncertain until Jace answered "He said he was going to speak to Simon about something" Jace looked at Isabelle and groaned.

Magnus stood up and grabbed his stuff. "Let's go get him then"

Alec brushed the remains of the demon off. The stupid demon didn't grant Alec the immortality he wanted What a shame he thought He could have been a valuable assist to my plan of destroying all of the shadowhunters.
He walked through the streets and bumped into a man. He mumbled a sorry and tried to walk away but his legs wouldn't move. He looked up to see Jace smirking at him

Alec cursed in Latin as he started to get drowsy. The last thing he heard before he passed out was "It's okay Alec. We'll help you. I promise"

When Alec awoke he was tied to a chair What the- "Hello Alec" Magnus spoke to the young teenager.

"You" Alec glared "Why are you here" He fidgeted in his seat as Magnus came closer.

"We are trying to save you Alec' Alec eyes widened as Magnus drew a circle around him 'NO" he screamed as Magnus started chanting.

Alec felt a serene sensation fill through him and relaxed. Then it felt as though the other Alec inside of him had taken into hiding in the deepest parts of his heart.

When the chanting stopped, Alec opened his blue eyes to meet Jace's.
"Alec" Jace's voice croaked.

"What happened here" Alec was truely confused as he looked at the debris all around him. Jace smiled and hugged him.

"It's no big deal" Jace said as they pulled apart "Your okay, now"
"Alec!" Isabelle called from downstairs 'Alec looked up from his work 'Im coming" he raced downstairs to meet her.

"Good" Izzy stated "The clave needs to find out what has been causing these murders all around town and they chose us for the job"

Alec looked at the pictures of the dead people to see the similarities and differences between the deaths. But something felt familiar with the murders. But he couldn't put his finger on it.

As Alec and Isabelle talked, no one noticed a demon standing right outside looking at them "You'll remember master" the demon cackled " And when you do, we will rule the world"

LOL, this chapter took forever. And yes Alec is the main character of this fanfic and there will be many more twist and turns in the story continues. Just stay tuned and I'll write more.

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