Hidden Love

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This is for mjwolf once again:) this is part two called"forbidden love" sorry for the late update buh i pinkie paw promised so here it goes (;

As i pace up and down my room thinking why are my parents so cruel they said he wasn't allowed step one foot in the door because they checked his schools roll book and it said mitcher and expelled for smashing a computer

He could of thrown a chair at the teacher for all i care i have lots of good memories with him like the time we went to the funfair and we put our hands up like we had no worries and you won me the big blue teddy bear

As i sit on my chair looking out the window thinking why if life so unfair one minute your hugging the person you feel you wil spend the rest of your life with the next your stuck in your room sniffing your favourite perfume that he said he liked

As i rise from my seat and thinks I wasn't born to be locked up like a wild wolf(; my parents said he wasn't allowed take one foot in the door but they never said anything about him not allowed through the window im supposed to be living young wild and free........... Im coming macaulay

X x X


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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