Part 2

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He opened his eyes, half expecting to see nothingness, half expecting to be swallowed up whole but some afterlife black hole. Zak sighed, nothing was different. Everything was exactly the same although the color of this world had a constant blueish tint to it and it was already starting to hurt his eyes.

Trying to get his bearings together he looked down at the piece of paper he held in his hand. Written on it was a list containing every place he thought Lily could possibly be; first on the list was her old house. He looked around for his car to no avail. This world apparently didn't have cars or bikes in it. Actually there didn't seem to be anyone out besides him although odd he brushed it off and started the walk to Lily's old house.

The longer he walked the more this world started to creep him out. The blue hue was starting to get to him and he hadn't seen a single soul since he had started walking, he felt like he had been walking for days even though he knew it had only been about fifteen minutes. There was no wind either, no breeze, no animals no birds. It was void of any sound other than his breathing.

Trying to ignore the growing weirdness of this world as he walked he thought to himself about his friends and if anyone knew about his condition. He thought about Grace and Harley and hoped Aaron would take them so they wouldn't end up in a shelter or worse.

Once in a while he would get a chill or catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye but by time he looked over whatever it was would be gone. The feeling of being stared at was getting more intense by the minute and he felt like he couldn't have gotten through the afterlife's version of Brookhaven quick enough.

Zak could tell by landmarks that he was about half way to Lily's old house when he noticed a little girl and her mother walking down the street, although he was hesitant he said hello. The little girl went to say hello but the mother quickly shushed her away from him. He heard the woman whisper something to the little girl and they quickly walked away, the little girl only looked back at him once or twice.

Zak knew the other people could see him, but he couldn't understand why they had avoided them. He brushed it off and continued his walk. He never realized how much of life he took for granted, even the background noise that was the living world. That was the part that threw him off the most, the lack of noise; any noise. It made everything feel heavy and he wanted desperately to have some kind of interaction with anyone. Right now he'd even be happy to have that asshole demon show up, just so he'd hear something besides his own thoughts.

It felt like he had been walking for days when he finally arrived at Lily's old house. While the rest of the world seemed blue her old house seemed to have a bit of life left to it. He approached the building slowly and cautiously on a count that he still didn't know what the so called rules of this place were or who was watching him. He put his hand on the railing and made his way up the wooden stairs to the front door of the tiny house.

His hand was starting to shake as he reached for the knob and he stopped just short of grabbing it. What if Lily was inside, what would he say, what would she say. The demon had told him how much he hurt her by killing himself, what if she couldn't forgive him. What if he got trapped inside? What if he found someone who looked like Lily but wasn't her. Too many what if's for him, Zak didn't like what if's, he always felt like the what ifs could destroy someone from the inside out and he tried to avoid them his whole life; it seemed though now that his life had ended all he could think of was the what ifs. Maybe that was his punishment for everything bad he had done in his life, maybe he was doomed to live eternity thinking about the what ifs and dealing with the deafening silence.

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