Chapter Ten

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[UPDATED VERSION: Checked grammar and everything c: ]

We stood at the lake in a little cave beside the water fall that went deep into the ground. We reached the main room of the cave which had tables with neat stacks of papers and books. There was a giant map on a walk with red scribbles and push pins here and there.
There were matts on the floor with pillows and blankets layed out and an old torn up sofa somewhere off to the side. "What is this place?" I heard Yukine ask. I glance over at the boy and saw him, eyes wide in amazement. "Its Kyc's place, he likes being close to the lake because that's where his original master found him." Kagamine answered in a sweet voice and smiled softly. "Asu, Alve, come help me in the kitchen please~!" Kagamine said sweetly and walked into another tunnel, "yes ma'am!" The twins answered in unison and ran down the tunnel after Kagamine, leaving Yukine, Yato, and I in the cave. I let go of Yato's hand and wandered the room curiously, looking at papers that were on the top of paper stacks, and the book titles this layed flatly and printed across the covers. I then stopped at the big map and saw a circle around a grey blob with blue beside it. Besides it was labeled in thick permanent red marker, 'HOME'
The map made me very curious so I just stood by it. There was another red circle around a weird building shaped thing and beside it was labeled 'TOJEN' and then another one, 'KOFUKU E.' He had the shrines of gods placed here and there, scattered across the map. I spotted 'BISHAMONTEN' and instantly thought bitch.
"What ya looking at Yui?" Yato asked and peered over my shoulder to see since I was short but tall enough to block it from view since I stood in front of it. "A map. It has where most God's shrines are.. and.." I froze as I saw some smaller names written in small, neat, blue ink beneath Kofuku's name. 'Yato, Yui.' "But why would your name be on a map of gods?' Yato asked and leaned closer to it. "We're back!" Tatsuya called, making a big entrance. I tensed up and turned to see Kycae looking at us. "Hey, uh Kyc what's this map for?" I asked as Yato and I walked over. "Oh, it's just a map so I know.. my way around." He said. "Mmm Kagamine are you and the twins cooking?!" Kasumi chirped and dashed into the tunnel Kagamine disappeared, their talking faintly heard.
"Nice place Kyc." Reena said and the short girl looked up at him. He nodded and as Simone walked over, Kycae walked towards us.
"Is it only gods?" I asked and he seemed to calm down a bit, he probably thought we saw my name. In which we did. "Uhm, yeah." He said, sounding nervous. "Yui I think we should head back to Kofuku's shrine she's probably wor--"
"She knows we went on a rescue mission." Kasumi said, walking out with a cookie stuffed in her mouth. "Kasumi- Senpai they aren't done cooling yet~!" Kagamine said and ran over taking the other cookie from her hand then ran back towards the kitchen. "Hey! I was eating that!" Kasumi argued and ran after Kagamine to the kitchen.
Their arguing made my heart skip a beat, remembering how much of a family they seemed like made me think of everyone that one night at Kofuku's shrine. Kagamine and Kasumi reminded me of that. "But, Kycae." I began but Yato put a hand in my shoulder. I looked up at him and he gave me a don't-even-think-about kind of look. I sighed, "never mind."
Kycae looked at me curiously for a moment before walking over to Tatsuya. "Why are you so curious all the time Yui..some day it could get you killed." Yato joked, but I know he was telling the truth. I sighed and pushed my hair from my face, walking from Yato's side all the way to mt best friend, Yukine's side. "What ya looking at Yukine?" I asked and stood beside him as he scanned over a paper. "I dunno, it's about Gods and their Regalias." Yukine said, "apparently there is even one on Yato and... Hm. Us." I peered over at the paper, "but how could he know I'm Yato's Regalia as well, I've only been his Regalia for a couple of days." I mumbled. Yukine shrugged and we read a little further down the page. Suddenly I saw some new writing on the edge of the paper,

Hiiro and or Nora was released by Yato God on August fourteenth, on the year of two-thousand and twenty-two (August 14th 2022).

"Looks like Nora got rejected." I mumbled quiet so only Yukine could hear. "I guess you really are his number one Regalia Yukine." I chuckled. "Listen, Ayui can I speak to you about something... that might be personal..?" Yukine asked, he seemed nervous. I nodded slightly, "yeah what is it?"
Yukine put the paper down and just stared at it a second before replying, "Do you like... Yato?" He finally asked. I tensed up for a second, not really knowing how to answer I mean, i do but I don't think I like him, I think I love him. "Uh, yeah I mean he saved me and all so--"
"Thats not what I mean." Yukine said. I sighed and stood you straight. "Yes. Yukine." I said calmly. "I do.. like Yato I just don't think he feels the same way since I'm his Regalia." Yukine sat there and looked at me for a second. I was still looking at the paper he placed on the desk and my eyes trailed to another one,

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