Πενήντα δύο(Fifty Three)

Start from the beginning

"A toast to our new chairwoman. Cheers, everyone. Cheers." Dr. McPhee said holding out his glass. Then Larry walked in with a walkie-talkie.

"Cue the music. And Teddy in three, two..." Larry said into it. The gates separating the museum and the observitory opened and in rode Teddy on Texas.

"Since 1869, when I was a mere boy of 11...this museum has been a shining beacon to our great city. Tonight we'll expand our horizons even further...to the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. From our very beginning, mankind has looked to the heavens and given names to what he saw. The constellations. I thought you might like to meet them." Teddy said.

"Cue the constellations," Larry said and then Sacajawea opened the door to release the constellations and they all came out. Turning into different shapes and running through the air.

"Orion, the hunter!" Teddy said pointing to him. Orion made an apple made of fake stars appear on top of McPhee's head. Everyone turned to look at him.

"What?" He asked. Then Orion shot an arrow and hit the apple making into turn back into little stars that floated down and around McPhee. "All planned. All planned. I knew that was gonna happen. So, yeah." He said smiling.

"Good. Going great, guys. Going great. Let's drop the silks. And go with the monkey." Larry said and then two silk curtains fell to the floor. And Dexter came between them doing tricks.

"What?" The chairwoman asked shocked.

"Come on," Larry said as he watched as Dexter was slowly trying to spread his arms, arms-length apart.

"That's what I do." Dr. McPhee said in a bragging manner.

"Thank you for your patronage..." More of the green-covered rust started to appear on the tablet. "And for your unwavering support of this fine institution. This newly renovated planetarium will serve as a lens... " Teddy said too fast for anyone to understand. "'Once more unto the breach, dear friends!'"

"What?" The chairwoman asked again.

"Charge! Rough Riders!" Teddy yelled getting off of Texas and standing on one of the tables. Larry ran out from where he was standing.

"It's okay! Just hang on!" He yelled

"Is this part of it?" The chairwoman asked McPhee.

"Sorry folks, a little technical issue," Larry said and he went over to Teddy who had his gun pointed at people. "What are you doing? Stick to the script. Stick to the script! It's me!" Larry said when Teddy pointed his gun at him.

"I don't know you." By now people were running from their tables in a rush to get out of the museum, but on their way out they failed to see the miniatures holding a rope out trying to trip them.

"Pull!" Octavius yelled.

"I don't know what's come over me, but I like it!" Jedediah yelled as more and more people continued to trip over the rope. "Drop 'em!"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Octavius yelled. Dr. McPhee ran over to Larry.

"What's going on? Do something!" He more so demanded than asked.

Larry ran to try and figure out what was happening, including taking a spear-like kabob away from Dexter who looked as if he were going to stab the chairwoman.

"Orion, don't! Rexy!" He yelled as Orion shot an arrow and started a fire and Rexy ran into the room and roared. By the time all the exhibits had calmed and all the guests had left Larry was very upset. "Guys, what was going on out there?" Laaa tried to copy Larry. "Seriously, what were you thinking?" He tried again. "Laaa, I got this, all right? Just... Go over there. No, go over there. Go. Attila... what were you doing to that dolphin, man? It's a dolphin! It's one of the most peaceful creatures on earth...and you're hacking into it like it was The Cove or something. Did you see the look on Regis Philbin's face?" Larry asked sending Attila into guilt.

"Reeju?" He asked sadly.

"Yeah, Reeju. Teddy, what were you doing pointing a gun at me?" He asked looking at Teddy.

"Forgive me, Lawrence. I don't know what came over me."

"Do you even remember that?"

"Not at all," Teddy said sadly. The sound of Laaa came and Larry looked over to see him playing with the defibrillator.

"Laaa, shut that down! It's a defibrillator. Put it down. It's dangerous! Laaa, that's electricity. Those aren't headphones. Stop it!" Larry yelled as Laaa put them over his ears. He turned back around to feel something drip on him to see Dexter peeing on him. "Oh! Hey! Whoa! Dexter! What are you doing? Honestly, if you're gonna act like a baby, then I'll get you some diapers. You want diapers again?"

"Ease up on the reins there, hoss. Can't you see? He feels terrible! Hell, we all do!" Jedediah said speaking for the whole group.

"I don't know what's going on with everybody here... but tonight was really weird. Really weird."

"We feel awful. Something took hold of us like an evil spell!" Octavius said.

"Yeah, like we just weren't ourselves."

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