Awww, he's blushing. He's so cute!

"S-sorry." He studded. I didn't say a word as I lifted his shirt. He lifted his arms and allowed me to see his suffering. Once it was off I looked at his defined rib cage. His pelvic bone was apparent. I felt saddened to see his pain. I sat on the bed then put my hand in the indent between his ribs and his pelvis. "I know, it's hideous." He said. I looked up at him and him down at me.

"At least you can fix this." I said in a bit of jealousy.

"I'm so selfish, all I do is starve my self and cut. What's wrong with me?" He said as a tear was daring to fall. I put my hands on his face so he would look down at me.

"We all have different forms of pain. Yours is loosing your family. And that caused you to do all of this." I smiled and wiped his tear away. "But, I still think your beautiful." I said. He blushed a deep red.

I didn't mean to say that! No, what if he just leaves me!? No!

"Well, I still think your perfect." He said looking back at me. Now I blushed a crimson red. He smiled and put his hands on my cheeks. "Now come on, let's get you packed." He said. I stood up and made my way to my closet. I grabbed a couple of shirts; two pairs of jeans; and two pairs of vans. And a couple of other things.

"What's this?" Naruto asked. I turned and saw him holding my brother's three ringed necklace.

"That was my brothers necklace." I said walking over to him. I held the one of the rings on the necklace.

"You had a brother?"

"He's still alive. He just left from my father. He was going to take me, but my father caught me on the way out."

"Have you talked to him?"

"Yeah, he actually reached out to me a while ago. We text a lot."

"Well that's good." He said and got up from the desk chair and layout on the bed. He curled up in my sheets and got comfortable. I sat on the bed and put my hand on his side.

"Tired?" I asked. He smiled.

"Mhum." He responded.

"Well get some rest while I go take a shower." I said as I stood up. He nodded and shut his eyes. I took a change of clothes into the bathroom. I showered for an hour. When I came out Naruto was all bundled up, sleeping in my bed. I put my brother's necklace on then sat on the edge of the bed and pet his hair.

He's so cute when he sleeps.

I laid down next to him and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew I felt arms wrap around me. He wrapped his legs around mine and his face in my chest. I smiled and hugged him. I feel asleep in no time.



"Hu wha?" I said with my eyes still closed.

"We got to go before your dad comes up here and sees us like this." He said and I felt his hands rubbing my back gently. I hugged him tighter. "Look, I don't want to move ether, but I don't want to stay here and watch or hear you get beaten." I looked at his crystal blue orbs. "We can cuddle when we get to my house. I mean...if that's what you want."

"Deal." I said. He seemed surprised that I took his offer. I got out of the bed and picked him up wedding style. He went along with it and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Well then, let's get home." He said and laid his head on my chest.

"I agree." I said. I sat him back on the bed, but he wouldn't let go of my neck. "Naruto?"

"Carry me." He demanded. I sighed.

"Fine." I gave up. He's to damn cute to say no. I grabbed my back pack and started to walk down the stairs. Once we were down the stairs we saw my father sleeping in the recliner. I quietly made my way to the door and stepped out.

"Okay I'll walk the rest of the way." I ignored him and continued walking. "S-Sasuke?" He asked.

"I'm going to carry you home. I don't care if you don't want me too." I said and continued walking. He blushed a crimson red.

God, he's so cute!

"F-fine, but don't complain when your back hurts." He said and smiled gently. I couldn't help but smile back.


After a couple of wrong turns. I finally found the house. Naruto had fallen asleep. I walked into the house and went straight to his bed. I laid him down under the sheets. I ran my hand through his golden blonde hair and kissed his forehead.

I walked to the living room and took in the seen. There was bottles on the ground and trash all over.

"I want to help you out, Naruto. Especially, because of what you said about me." I said to myself.

I grabbed the trash can and started to toss out the trash. I tidied up everything. Once I finished I got in bed with Naruto.


"Yeah, Naruto." I asked looking at the blonde.

"Cut me."

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