Wife packs lingerie for business trip with boss

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You are talking to your wife in the bedroom one evening as she packs for a business trip.

"So where are you off to?" you ask her.

"District office in Vegas again, as usual." she sighs, putting some toiletries into a bag.

"Who is going?"

"Just my boss and I." she says.

"You and Jim travel together a lot." you say, realizing too late that you sound suspicious just as the words leave your lips.

"Well, yes..." she admits shyly giving you a strange look.

"I don't mean to suggest..."  you stammer.

"Oh, I know, dear.  I am sure you and I trust each other after all these years together." she says tightly as she takes out some of her sexy lingerie and packs it in the suitcase.

"You are taking that?" you ask, surprised.

"Um, sure... I always take this sort of thing... Just in case..." she says blushing, as she adds a transparent negligee, stockings, and garters to her suitcase.

"Wait, what?" you ask incredulously.  "Just in case of what?"  You are embarrassed to be interrogating her like this, and your stomach flips with nervousness, but she rarely wears this sort of thing.

"In case I am feeling, randy." she says, tilting her head down bashfully and avoiding your eyes.

"But..." you stammer, nonplussed.  

"Are you really going to investigate my choice of sleepwear, dear?" she asks you with an awkward laugh.  "That's not like you..."

"Well of course you are free to wear whatever you like." you say hastily.  "I don't mean to pry into your personal attire."  You pause hesitantly, unsure of how to proceed.  "It's just that you usually wear that when you want to... I mean I think of it as being part of our foreplay when you wear those things."  You are blushing yourself now, and wish that you just hadn't seen her pack these things.  This conversation is starting to upset you.

"I know honey but Jim likes it when I wear these things to bed." she says, biting her lip and averting her eyes as she packs a short dress.

You just laugh nervously.  "Surely you are joking." you say, your voice cracking with anxiety.  I mean, why would Jim be in your room when you are getting ready for bed?"

Your wife's pale complexion is flushed, and her cheeks are bright red with chagrin.  She continues to avoid your eyes and just looks at the clothes as she packs them.  "We generally just get one room when we travel together..."  She casts you a furtive glance and cringes when she see the look of astonishment on your face.  "Of course, we almost always get separate beds." she adds quickly.

There is a long pause as you try to process this news.  Your heart is pounding in your chest and your blood is running cold.  "Darling." you say, trying to breathe normally.  "Can you stop packing for a moment?  I want to make sure I understand what you are saying here."  It comes out as a croak.

Your wife stops packing regretfully and stands with her head bowed, nervously plucking at her clothes.

"Are you telling me that you and your boss generally share a room when you travel?" you ask.

"It's so much cheaper, that way." she says urgently, casting your a desperate look before returning her eyes to the floor.

You take a deep breath.  "Ok.  That's reasonable.  But what do you mean that you almost always get separate beds.  Are you saying that you sometimes actually... uh, share a bed?"

Wife packs lingerie for business trip with bossWhere stories live. Discover now