"I'm warning you, if he says or does anything to piss me off I'll sock him."

"He needles you and you allow him to do it," Paul said.

"He wants to shag Leda 'cos he knows it'll drive me insane."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, exasperated.

"I wonder as well."

"Honestly, why else would he want to sleep with Leda?"

Paul gave me the 'can you believe this guy' look. "Maybe 'cos she's an attractive woman. Jaysus, I can't believe we're having this conversation."

"He can get laid any day of the week. Why Leda?"

"Send in Scotland Yard, the KGB, FBI and CSIS. We must solve this mystery," I said with irritation.


"Yes, Canada's version of MI5. Are you happy now? You learned something today."

"Yeah, you wanker!"

Ian poked his head between the two front seats. I didn't look at him. "If he starts giving you the eye I'm gonna kill him."

"Why do you care?" Paul asked.

"I told you why. He wants to destroy me."

"I'd like to talk about something else. You should have your seatbelt on," I said, pushing him back between the seats.

We arrived at the studio and I went inside ahead of Ian. Spencer was there with his manager and gave me a warm smile. I returned the gesture as Ian stood next to me mumbling some Irish garble under his breath. A woman took him away for makeup and clothes. She was wise enough not to take Jamie at the same time, so he came over to chat with me and Paul instead. I could only think of what Ian would do if he saw this.

"You didn't call me," Jamie said with a manufactured pout.

"I've been unavailable."

What a load of crap that was! Unavailable? Yes, I spent countless hours poring over fashion magazines, watching poorly dubbed movies, buying expensive clothes, reading trashy novels, doing laundry, picking up dry-cleaning – not always my own – and fielding Ian's calls on which suit or girl to bring to whatever dinner or charity function. Not to mention the black hole of time spent on Twitter, Facebook and all other social media.

Jamie turned to Paul. "Great to see you," he said.

"Good go in Australia, at least the first half of it."

"Not bad for the opening race of the season. It might've been a podium finish if it hadn't been for your brother."

"How's Masi?" Paul asked.

"A bastard as always, but I love him to bloody pieces."

"Imagine Winters and Masi on the same team."

"Their egos wouldn't fit in one garage."

They both laughed which made me notice two things. I wasn't included in the conversation – big surprise – and Paul and Jamie spoke with a great deal of respect for one another. They chatted like two old friends and I wondered why Ian hated Jamie while Paul seemed to like him.

"Will Masi repeat?"

"The car's amazing, Paul. We can't be beaten."

"Bevvies later?"

"You're on."

With that Paul wandered to the refreshments leaving me with Jamie.

"When are you going to call me?" Jamie asked, giving me his full attention. His green eyes watched me twist the cap off a bottle of water.

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