The Don (Short Story, Possible Stretch)

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Alonzo Freeman

         "I'm out" I adjusted my shorts, and headed out to the front door.. My mom had left early this morning, for work at about seven, and she wouldn't be back until maybe five thirty this afternoon, which she did everyday. I quickly became annoyed when I saw that my Mom's boyfriend was up, and moving early in the morning..

He'd always try to give me these lectures that never made any sense, what did he know about me anyways? He knew nothing about the streets or my friends..He grew up hand fed, and he was always trying to tell my Mom how to raise me, like he had kids; in reality he was just some nigga who didn't deserve to be with my Mom. As far as I was concerned he was just another nigga trying to take my Father's place..

Before I left he tried to question me, asking me where I was going, and who I was going with, and did my Mom know where I was going.. Telling me to handle my buisness with my Mom, and trying to give me another lecture on how my Mamma worked too hard to be treated this way. I simply told him stay in his place then left..

     Besides they didn't say nothing when Shantee' was leaving and out there having sex with all of my friends. She even got caught up this one time.. With a nigga she swore she was in love with, and he swore he was in love with her. I repeatedly told her not to fuck with him, sense he had a number of  girls that he'd fuck with. He told them he loved them, then  he left em' out to dry. They were messing around in his house, in his Mamma's bed, when his Ma' walked in.

     Shantee' was on her knees simply doing what everyone says she does best; his Mamma went berserk slapping on him, and pushing Shantee' out of her house, she eventually had Shantee' call mamma to come get her  and of course I had to go with her to pick her up.We were in Mamma's friends car,  we didn't have a car of our own, we hadn't since Pop's moved out.

       When we pulled up Shantee' had been sitting on the porch  crying, when she got in to the car she told me how much he really hated her and what his name was. I knew his name off the bat, but I didn't want to say anything since Mamma and her nosey ass friend were in the car. Mamma didn't even look Shantee' in the eyes, she just sat up front bobbing her head to the music that played through the speakers.  

      Shantee' had been crying for at least a hour. She explained to me all the bad things that he had said to his Mamma about her, and how she'd never want to see him again. I knew it was all of crock of shit, she said that last time when she got caught up. She had a rep around the hood, and she wasn't known for no reason.

       I knew for a fact that when we got home Shantee' would not be in trouble, and that she wouldn't be have to do anytime to her room..If that was me? I would get the brakes beat off of me. I looked Shantee' in the eye, and chuckled lightly..and mouthed "You're so stupid" I shook my head, getting out of the car...I knew she had a attitude, and I didn't care.. I dismissed myself to my room before she couldn't say anything to me. That was one of the craziest nights.

I walked down to Fair-rows apartments to meet up with my friends, Quelly', Micheal, and Fry as I did everyday, I knew today was about to be a good day.. It was Friday and nobodies mamma's were going be home, ofcourse except for mine.. There was a party on Oakwood and Frebis, and I wasn't missing it for nothing....

(A/N: I like this a lot, and I think you guys will too, It's my first urban story, and I'd like to thank Jamiya for my amazing cover!! Vote and Comment if you want me to continue, going to the circus with my Paw-Paw and family so I'll try to update when I get home.. I tried a different writing style that I feel more comfortable with, this is just a introduction and it's only the start of something very new to me.)

The Don (Short Story, Possible Stretch)Where stories live. Discover now