Chapter One

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Arcee gazed out at the desert, she watched as the sun sank below the horizon. Earth was so beautiful, she loved to watch the sunset paint the sky. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she thought of everything that had happened in the past. How she came to earth, met Jack, saved him more than once, and who knows what else. Arcee wrapped her arms around her legs, setting her chin on top of her knees; she watched birds fly off to the sun. Arcee turned her gaze to rest on Cliff Jumpers remains. As she stared at the rock pile, she thought of what Arachnid had said.

'Trying to add another partner to you list Arcee?'

Arcee thought about her past partners, Tailgate had been with her when Arachnid interrogated her. Thinking about how he died, she realized they didn't get to say good-bye. She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her, but she never got the chance. When Cliff and Bee rescued her, the only thing that occupied her mind was how she had failed him. There was no way anyone or anything could bring him back, and she wouldn't be able to tell much she had loved him.

Cliff had said to give him a chance, 'I can't replace Tailgate, but let me help you.'

Why didn't she say no? Maybe he would be alive...not with her on earth...but alive. Everything they did they did together missions, patrols, and fights with cons. They had grown close together and fallen in love. Cliff had even taken her on what the Earthlings called a date. She wouldn't admit it, but it was amazing. Cliff had secretly asked her if they wanted to do it again, but she refused. Arcee had promised herself that no matter what, she would always be there for him. One of the last things he ever said to her was; 'Do I ever need backup?' Arcee knew she should have listened to her spark and gone with him. By the time he called for help she knew it was too late, Starscream had captured and killed Cliff. Again she had failed her partner, and again she didn't say good-bye. When they buried him, she had knelt and quietly whispered, 'I love you, and I'm so sorry I wasn't there.'

Never again she thought, I'm never going to lose another partner, nor will I ever let my partner get captured by the cons. Lost in her thoughts she didn't hear Bumblebee approach, and quietly kneel behind her. Bumblebee gently set his hand on her shoulder.

"Arcee..." he said with his chirps and beeps. She turned to look him in the eyes.

"What is it Bee?" she said a little sharper than intended.

Bumblebee looked at her, he knew she was in pain, and he had to give her time. Arcee looked into his eyes and smiled, she knew he was trying to help, but there was nothing he could do. She looked back to the setting sun, and refused to cry out with the pain she felt.

"Arcee I'm-"he started

"Don't! Don't even try to comfort me. I just want to be alone." after she said this, Arcee felt regret. The Autobots had all been worried about her since her talk with Starscream.

Bumblebee wanted to help his friend, but he didn't know what to do. His thoughts drifted to earlier that day when he saw Arcee about to take the cons life. The look she gave Starscream just before she noticed Bumblebee, had scared him, Bee shivered at the thought. Turning he gazed out at the setting sun, he loved earth, looking at Arcee he saw how the sun played on her, it made her look even prettier. Arcee turned to see Bee smiling at her.


"Nothing." He chirped turning away, and then an idea came to him. "Want to race?" Arcee just looked at him, she knew he loved to drive fast, but she wasn't in the mood.

"Not right now Bee." She said, Bumblebee got up and stretched.

"Oh well, I would have beat you anyway." He beeped, Arcee glared at him, she knew what he was trying to do.

"Come on you'll feel better." He said pulling her up, she didn't want to, but didn't want him to persuade her anymore.

"Alright I'll just do one race." Arcee said, who knew, maybe it would make her feel better.

The Bug, the spider, and regret (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now