"Okay. What do you need help on?"


"You know what else you need to work on?"

"Mm?" I look over at him.


I give him a death glare and open the math study book, "Can we just start please?"

"Which concept in math do you need help on?"

I point to the one I need help on and right away he helped me.

~~~four hours later~~~

"Okay. You seem to understand well. You feel confident?"

"I feel overloaded with too much knowledge. Meh."

He pats my head and smiles, "Congratulations."

"One more book Kou."

I take out the thick hardcover biology handbook.

"Ugh. This is hard." He rolls his eyes and flips through the pages

I lay my head down on the table and sigh. "I'm hungry."

"Your sister just brought us a snack a few minutes ago..."

"I know."

"Okay, Page One."



"Okay, so for this problem, you—"

I look over to my side, and see Y/N fast asleep. She was drooling all over the table...gross, but cute.

"Y/N." I poked her shoulder but she wouldn't wake up.

"Oi. There's still a lot more problems. Wake up."

She starts snoring, and somehow I found it attractive. I didn't want to wake her up though, she looked so tired and she's been up for hours.
Guess I have to be "that" boyfriend.

I look over to her bag and found a stack of blue post it notes right on top of it. Perfect.

~~~3 AM Y/N's POV~~~

I open my eyes wide and felt my whole left cheek wet. Realizing, I've been sleeping the whole time.

I rub my eyes, still trying to process my mind.


I grab my phone and saw that it was 3 AM.

"I didn't even finish..."

I look over on the table, trying to fix my stuff. Then, I saw the biology book right in front of me with a blue post-it note sticker onto it.

"Hey. You kinda fell asleep, so I put all these sticky notes in your notebook to help you with the problems. Hope this helps! If you still don't understand, just text me...my ringer is full volume so I'm pretty sure I'll wake up to it...good luck!"

I flipped through the book and saw lots of different notes sticked on each page...he went all out.

Damn it Kou, I love you so much. I can almost hear his voice with every single post it I read.

I close the book and smile, and stuff it in my bag, so with the other books.

I grab my phone, and start to text Kou.

"Thank you for the notes Kou💝 You really didn't have to do it but thank you :) Love you😘"

Somehow he read the text right away, and his typing bubble showed up.

"Ah, I stayed up all night just to get a text back from you. Sleepy head. Also, you're welcome. Oh, you haven't said I love you to me in a while. I'm happy."

"You're obsessed with me."

"Says the one who was trying to get my attention the whole morning."

"Shut up."

"Go to sleep, Y/N. On your bed this time please. Sleeping in that kind of position you had is going to ruin your spine."

"You sleep too. You really didn't have to stay up for me though."

"Anything I do for you, you say 'oh you didn't have too.' Of course I had to, your my girlfriend...I can't stand there and watch you get tortured. Now go to sleep."

"Yes, Master. 😋"



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