"The whole thing," he immediately responded. "You really want to come on tour?"

"Yes, dammit!" I laughed, leaning in to kiss him again. He pulled me in so close that he ended up on top of me, his body weighing mine down in the best way. 

"This is the best news I've ever heard," he practically shouted, burying his face in my neck. I couldn't help but giggle, wrapping my arms and legs around him. "I love you."

"I love you more," I argued, squeezing my limbs around him. He placed firm, sloppy kisses all over my neck and face, causing me to giggle again as I attempted to pull away. 

"Hey," he finally pulled away, looking at me seriously. "You should make up with Emily."

My eyes flickered downward, knowing I'd have to deal with that at some point. I was planning on just moving out, but I knew it would be really hard to truly give up our friendship. 

"You really think I should give her another chance?" I asked, biting my lip nervously.

"I do," he nodded. "You two have been friends for so long, and her mistake didn't end up being the end of us. In fact, she fixed us and made us stronger. But it's up to you, babe."

"I'll talk to her," I groaned, earning another round of playful kisses all over my face. "Harry please!"

"Sorry," he shrugged, his face telling me he wasn't sorry at all. "Now we just have to figure out how to get Emily and Niall back together."

"Definitely," I agreed. "Maybe I'll talk to him."

"But not tonight," he grinned. "Tonight you're mine."

                                                                                ~                           ~                        ~

The next day, the boys were quite surprised to see me. I had put my jeans from the previous day back on and the sweater I wore with it, and made my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. Niall and Liam stood there, mouths hanging wide open. 

"Good morning," I greeted with a laugh. "You guys just gonna stare at me?"

"Are you and Harry back together?" Niall asked with a large grin. 

"Yes," I happily answered. He immediately wrapped me into a bear hug, laughing for no reason. 

"That's awesome!" he shouted, releasing me. "When? How? Where? Who? Why?"

"Slow down," I laughed, turning on the stove. "I came over last night and Emily convinced him to at least talk to me. So we talked, and got back together."

"Emily was here?" he asked, his eyes wide. I had forgotten not to mention that quite yet.

"Uh, yeah," I admitted. "She was just here for Harry and I, you know, being a good friend!"

Maybe that would soften him up.

"Yeah," he scoffed. "Some friend she is."

"Niall," I groaned. "I'm going to forgive her. Can't you?"

"Not really," he shook his head.

"Don't you miss her?" I asked, stopping him from walking away. Liam had joined the rest of the boys, thankfully. He probably still hated me anyway. 

"Yeah." he admitted, eyes flickering down. I'd never seen Niall vulnerable, even a little. 

"If Harry can forgive me, surely you can forgive Emily," I crossed my arms.

"You haven't even forgiven her yet," he reminded me. 

"I will," I shrugged. "Will you?"

"I'll think about it," he promised. "I'm gonna go eat with the rest of the boys. Join us when you're ready, bud."

"See ya," I waved, spatula in hand. 

A few moments later, Louis cautiously walked into the kitchen. I was pissed about the way he spoke to me a few weeks ago, but I knew arguing with him wasn't a good idea, considering Harry and I just got back together. I chose to ignore him, going back to flipping my omelet. 

"Hi," he dared speak. I was less mad at Emily. 

"Hi." I responded shortly, not sure how to go about this conversation. 

"Can we talk for a sec?" he asked, standing next to me. 

"Sure," I shrugged, pretending to be extra focused on my food. 

"I wanted to seriously apologize," he sighed. "I was completely out of line, I know. I just get really protective over Harry, especially now that we're finally friends again."

"I appreciate that you're protective," I responded, flipping my omelet onto a plate. "I'm protective over Harry, too, which is why I convinced him to be friends with you again in the first place."

"It wasn't all you," he reminded me, and I could tell he wanted to start an argument, but refrained. 

"I know," I rolled my eyes. "But still, I helped."

"Will you just accept my apology so we can start being friends? If you're gonna be on tour with us for almost a year, I've got to start liking you again." he groaned. Charming. 

"Fine," I resigned. "Apology accepted. Clean slate."

"Thank you," he smiled. He was actually really adorable, and I was surprised someone that small and cute could be so feisty. "I really do want to be friends. You'll love me, I'm a great time."

"I'm sure," I laughed. "Does Liam still hate me?"

"He never hated you," he shook his head. "He may have been protective over Harry, too, but he doesn't really hate anyone."

"Good," I sighed with relief. "Wanna go eat with everyone?"

"Yeah, come join us," Louis grinned, slinging an arm around my shoulders as we walked into the living room. 

As I curled up with Harry under a throw blanket and joined the raucous conversation, I decided to text Emily.

To Emily: Will you be home today?

From Emily: Yep, all day.

To Emily: Let's talk when I get home?

From Emily: Absolutely. 

And finally, finally, life was beautiful again. Life would never be perfect as I used to truly believe it could be, but it could be beautiful. And it was.


1. NEWS: I'm strongly thinking about writing a sequel!!! It'd be like about the tour and everything. Thoughts?

2. This book will be 40 chapters, so the end is coming! Wow. I can't believe the end is coming. Thank you so much for sticking with me. xo

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