Chapter 2: Crushy Wushy

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Recommended Song: Breezeblocks-Alt-J

Wednesday, October 16

(Luke POV)
Calum, Ashton, Michael, and I sat at our lunch table. We were eighth graders. Michael and Calum were fighting over who was the best super hero. Then Ashton had an idea to go up to the girls and talk to them. We got up and walked over to them when Regan called us idiots, so we walked away. "Luke, they won't talk to us because your ugly," Michael said. "Shut up," I said while shoving him slightly.
I felt Ashton's hand tap me on my shoulder asking, what I was going to do this weekend.
"I don't really know," I reply.
"Well, there is gonna be this really epic party at Brian's house. His parents are out of town and I think we should all go," Ashton says.
"I'm up for it," Michael says.
Everyone agrees, so I guess we are going to Brian's party Saturday.
(Ashton's POV)
The boy's and I are leaving math class and heading to english class. We get to english class and I take my seat on the right side of the room by Noah. I have english with all the girls. It's weird now they don't talk to each other anymore nor do they talk to me and the boys. I don't know what happened but when we got to high school no one talked to each other anymore.
"Hey Ash! Bro what's up," Noah says.
"Hey Noah."
After my brief conversation with Noah, I began to listen to the teacher. Mr.Knight asked, Brooklyn, a question and she answered.
(Calum's POV)
I'm sitting in english not paying attention to whatever boring shit the teacher is talking about. The only good thing about school is soccer practice after school is over. I can't wait to get out of this hell hole. I am so bored, so I took a piece of paper rolled it in a ball and threw it at  Delilah's head. I have nothing against her, I am just bored. It hit her and she turned around and gave me a dirty look. I held back a laugh. I looked around the room and saw Ash was looking at me with this "wtf" kinda face, then the bell rang. I was walking out of class and Ash walked up next to me.
"Dude, why did you throw that paper," Ashton asked.
"I was bored, why do you care?"
"I care because it wasn't nice."
"Does Ash have a crushy wushy?"
"Shut up!"
I started cracking up laughing and Ash hit me in the shoulder, I continued walking down the hallway when Delilah came up to me held out her hand with the paper ball in it.
"You seemed to have accidentally thrown this at me."
I looked at her with the most confused look on my face, but I took the paper ball anyways and she walked away. I continued to walk again, when Ash passed me cracking up laughing.
(Michael POV)
I got into science and took my seat in front of Brooklyn. I have tried to have conversations with her but they always end up being short and awkward. Which is sad because we would always have these little talks when we were younger. She doesn't even talk to any of the other girls anymore. It's probably because she's to good for me. She's on the volleyball team and I can barely run a lap. I am more of a video games kind of person then a sports person.
"Hey Brooklyn."
"Hey Michael," She said without even looking up from her desk.
She didn't seem in the mood to talk so I didn't say anything else. She probably just wasn't in the mood to talk to me. I looked behind me once again to see her smiling and blushing at Chris. I fucking hate Chris and not because clearly Brooklyn has a crush on him but because he is an asshole. He's on the basketball team so he thinks he's this amazing great guy. He also really hates me and the rest of the boys' because he claims we are "annoying". The rest of class I did what I had to do.
(Luke POV)
School was officially over which means I get to go home. I got on the bus and sat in the seat in front of Emma. We live on the same street, so we get off at the same bus stop. We got to our bus stop, so I stood up and Emma was behind me and we walked off the bus. I walked behind her down the street. She had her headphones in the whole walk to our houses. We are next door neighbors so we take the same way to get home. I debated on saying hi but decided against it. I got to my house and went up to my room.
(Ashton POV)
Me and Cal had soccer practice together, so we decided to both go hang out at my house. We got there and spent are time listening to music.
"So how's the paper ball........," I asked.
"HaHa so funny Ash." " I do actually feel kinda bad."
"Then maybe you should apologize."
"I will tomorrow at school."
(Calum POV)
After I left Ashton's house I went home and played soccer in my backyard. I had my phone on the table outside and heard it go off. I stopped what I was doing and picked up my phone. On the screen said "Noah Williams requested to be your friend on Facebook." I accepted the request. He seems cool. He always want's to hang out with me and the rest of the boys. He always seems up for a good time.
(Michael POV)
After school I went home and ordered some pizza. I played video games for the rest of the night. I was in the middle of a game when Calum texts me.
Calum: Did that Noah kid request to be your friend on Facebook?
Michael: Not that I know of
Calum: Oh ok
That was weird.

Thursday, October 17

(Calum POV)
When I got to school today I saw Delilah at her locker. I decided that I should apologize for yesterday.
"Hey Delilah."
"Hey Calum." "Are you here to throw another paper ball at me?"
"Yeah about that." "I wanted to say that I'm sorry that was completely uncalled for."
"Did Ashton make you do this?"
"No, I felt like you deserved an apology."
"Okay Calum, I forgive you. Just please don't do it again."
"I won't "
Then she smiled at me and walked away.
(Ashton POV)
I was at my locker and saw Calum talking to Delilah. He was probably apologizing for yesterday like he said he would. I continued getting books out when Michael walked in the building looking really tired. He probably spent all night playing video games. That is what Michael usually does.
"Hey Mikey."
"Hey Ash," He said while rubbing his eyes.
"Let me guess spent all night playing video games."
"You know me so well."
(Luke POV)
I was talking to this girl seeing if she is going to Brian's party Saturday, when Regan walked past and smiled at me. Which is weird because she has not at all acknowledged me for years. That was the only association we have had in three years. She has literally been avoiding me for all those years. I don't know what changed today. I got really flustered and told the girl bye. I saw the guys all by Ashton's locker.
"Hey guys."
"Hey," they all say at the same time.
"You are not gonna believe what just happened." "Regan just smiled at me."
"Okay," Cal asked questioningly.
"She hasn't even acknowledged me for years but for some reason she did today."
According to what Jessie told Michael the reason Regan has avoided me for all these years, she say's, I have turned into some player who just parties and hooks up with girls all the time. When I found out about that it hurt that she thinks that lowly of me. Like I'm not that bad. Am I?

AN: Hey guys it's Cassy and Jill. We hope you enjoy this chapter please comment and press the star if you like it!

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