It Was Only A Kiss -- Sashay

Start from the beginning

Troian laughed. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say," she said.


We had finally finished filming all the scenes we needed today, and I was exhausted. Sasha, Troian, Ashley, and Lucy were stood in the corner in a circle with their thick winter jackets on.

"Hey, Shay," Ashley greeted, stepping backwards to let me in. "Do you want to come round mine and sleep over tonight? Tyler's busy doing some other work over the weekend so I thought it'd be the perfect time for ButtahBenzo to be together." She smiled.

"Sure," I said, smiling back.

Hudson - I internally sighed - walked over and hugged Sasha.

"Come on, Sash," he said, kissing the top of her head. "It's getting dark and I ordered pizza to come in half an hour."

"Bye, guys," she said, smiling at us all. Okay, maybe it was my imagination, but she smiled at me last and for longer. Why was a magnifying everything she did?

"Shay, you're blushing again," Troian said. "Seriously, what's up?"

"Nothing!" I said, wide-eyed.

"Every time Sasha does something you blush," Lucy said. "And it's been happening a lot recently."

"Ooh," Ashley taunted. "Does someone have a crush? Is Emily Fields not just an act?"

The truth was, I didn't even know my self. I'd kissed Sasha a few years ago in the flashbacks we had to film, but back then I didn't think anything of it.

"Shut up, guys," I said, clearly annoyed.

Ashley laughed. "Come on, Shay, we have movies to watch."

"Bye, see you guys tomorrow!" I said, and walked out the doors of the set with Ashley.


Ashley's house was like my second home when we were filming; I even had my own toothbrush here. Whenever Ashley thought I was having a bad day she would invite me over and we'd watch movies for the rest of the night. No, I hadn't had a bad day, but I think Ashley could tell I was getting stressed out.

"Right," Ashley began. "What film do you want to watch?"

I shrugged. "Any," I said.

She smiled. "Go and sit on a couch while I get some snacks."

I sat down and instantly felt relaxed. Ashley's couch could swallow you whole if you sat on it quick enough; I closed my eyes and let it embrace me.

"Don't fall asleep yet, Shay, I have food," Ashley laughed, walking into the living room.

"Do you have pizza?" I asked hopefully.

"Would you expect any less of me?" She presented a plate of pizza that looked about a day old that has come from the refrigerator, but it was pizza nonetheless.

I smiled and handed her the remote. "What are we watching?" I asked.

"Anything you want," she said. "But there's one exception."

"What is it?"

"We need to talk about you and Sasha."

I sighed. "I really don't want to," I said.

"C'mon, I can see something about her is bothering you."

"It's nothing..." I trailed off. "Just... Hudson."

"What about him?" she asked curiously, tilting her head.

"He got all bothered and went quiet when I said we were shooting the Emison scene."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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