Chapter 3

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My screams echoed through the night air. Each bone that cracked left a slight droop in my skin. A faint black outline swallowed my eyes but I forced them to stay open.

Marks voice carried itself into my head, soothing words leaving his mouth. I screamed as I felt my spine snap in three and re-form. My hands ripped out the earth covered ground. Dirt, sticks and leaves taking a tight place in my hair. I could see Mark pulling his hair and mummbling "I hope she lives" too himself. 

A scream so high and frightened left my lips and I saw a flash of pity go across his eyes. The cold subsided and a pain that I hadn't noticed on my throat suddenly. There was only enough time to say, "That hurt like a bitch!" Before once again pain took over me.

Mark laughed as my skull cracked and I only flinshed, as a high heat took the place of pain. The night suddenly went dead quiet. I rolled over onto my stomach and noticed that my body was double its normal height and weight. 

My fur was a liver brown colour (N.B My puppies this colour!!) My eyes were a vibrant gold. my fur was short and let the summer breaze flow through. I stood up on all fours and suddenly dropped to the ground. Mark let out a short laugh, as he stopped when he saw the look on my face.

I stalked towards him like prey as he lifted his hands above his head, "Babe please don't attack, im sorry" 

I let out a wolfy laugh and pounced, though as I did he took a step back and I feel with a heavy Thud. I heard him laugh and shift then take off into the forest.

"Get back here idiot!" I shouted through the mind link

"Hay you know how to work this like you have known for a while" He said as if retracing his steps

I quickly forced the block up, making sure all ways of communicating were lost. I ran faster and harder in his direction, allowing my wolf side to lead.

"Come get me babe!" He taunted. CRAP I left my wall down while I was running.

I finally caught his scent and changed direction, the forest was alight with faint glowing insects and the smell of rotting leaves. It was a pleasent smell to my nose, giving it a soothing homey feel.

I caught sight of a tail on my left and bit. I yelp from the wolf it belonged to escapped its lips. He turned and bared his teeth at me.

"IDIOT!" I screamed before taking off 

"Babe, come here now!" He held some kind of command which he knew I wouldn't take lightly.  

"DID YOU JUST COMMAND ME!?" My voice scared even me. His tail dropped between his legs and he dropped to the forest floor.

As I was about to jump at his neck a wolf three times the size of me appeard in front of me with a she-wolf that ran to Marks side.

The wolf looked at me and his eyes widened with recorgnition there was something about him that drew me in. My wolf yelled out three little words that put together made my heart beat faster, 

He's- Our- 

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