"What d'you mean? What has Liam been keeping from me?" Niall asked.

"Liam abuses me, he sells me for sex, and uses me for sex." I said quietly.

"What?" Niall frowned.

"Yeah." I said, looking at my feet.

"You're lying. He...he wouldn't do those things!" Niall said.

I looked into his eyes, lifting my shirt and showing him all of the bruises.

He covered his mouth like he was going to be sick, tears gathering in his eyes.

The moment seemed to last for years before I let my shirt drop back down, turning and walking away from him.

"Zayn, wait I-"

"What?" I spat at him.

"I'm so sorry....do you need to talk about anything?" He asked.

"No." I muttered, going upstairs.

"Are you....well, you're obviously not okay but....um, d'you want me to make you something to eat? I'm a decent cook!" Niall called after me.

I slammed my bedroom door behind me, suddenly wanting to scream.

Deciding that I was tired of reality for now, I walked over to my nightstand, digging through the drawer for my sleeping pills.

I stole them from Liam when he first started abusing me, because getting beaten during the day made it quite hard to settle down at night.

I took two, swallowing them without water before I carefully got into my bed.

I then sighed heavily, waiting for sleep to come.

"You get one phone call." The officer said, handing me three quarters.

I walked over to the phone, putting the quarters in, and dialing slowly.

My entire hand felt like it was broken.

I bit my lower lip as it rang, praying she answered.

When I was almost sure she wasn't going to, she did.

"Hello?" She asked, sounding confused, and half asleep.

"Mum? It's Harry." I said quietly, glancing at the large bloke who stood in the corner staring at me.

He'd been eyeing me since I was brought in here.

"What's going on?" My mum asked.

"I'm in jail, I need you to come get me." I said.

"What on earth have you done, Harry?" She asked.

"I'll explain later, just....you have to come get me." I said, thinking about Zayn.

I needed to see him.

"Tell me what you've done, so I'll know how much I need to bring to get you out." She said.

"Technically I....broke into someone's house and assaulted them." I mumbled, glancing around again.

"Harry Edward Styles!" She snapped, making me wince.

"I might as well leave you in there! The bloody hell do you mean you broke into a house and assaulted someone? What's wrong with you?" She continued.

"I'll explain later, I promise. Just please come get me." I begged.

"Harry....I swear I hardly know who you are anymore." My mum said, disappointment heavy in her voice.

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