The House in the Dark Forest

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It was black as night when two teenagers, one boy and one girl, were running through the maze of a forest and the sounds of the animals that were lurking about. Above them, the full moon shined down indicating it was midnight. An owl hooted, and they kept running. Running from their lives and the forest.

The girl stopped. "Come on, Adna! We can't stop now! We have to get through the forest!" The boy said to the girl, Adna. "I can't! It's midnight! You can see Yin is up high in the sky!" Adna said. Yin, in the Spiritual world, is the moon's name as Yang is the sun's. "Micah, can't you see we are far away enough that they can't find us!" Adna said to the boy, Micah.

"Fine we can find an okay place to stay the night and head out in the morning. She nodded at him and they started walking deeper in the forest.

Later that night or early morning. . .

When everything was set and done and they were asleep it was about 3 hours later they heard voices and were up in a flash.

"What was that?" Adna whispered. Micah shock his head. He didn't know. They stayed quiet and listen they could hear the voices now. They thought the people of their village found them, then they heard it was just two girl voices, arguing.

"It's not fair! Mom had a new baby girl, and may I remind you the twelfth in the family! And she gets the prophecy to serve the daughter of Death himself!" One of the voices said.

They looked at each other. They knew who was talking not the people but who their family was.

They were the daughters of the Grim Reaper and Princess Haven the sister of Queen Honor of the Shadowmeadow. Princess Haven was considered the nicest women in the world and was infected by something when she went out on her horse. She was on the brick of death and her family keep pleading she would be okay. The Grim Reaper came when she told her family it was time for her to die. She was known for seeing into the future. She saw her death and accepted it. Her family did not.

The Grim Reaper fell in love with her when she died. He collected her soul, instead of bring her soul to Death, he stowed it away in the Dark Forest in a house somewhere. They fell in loved and had eleven daughters but now they have twelve. Everyone just thought it was a myth, because the Grim Reaper does not love, but maybe not.

They stayed quiet and listened. They heard a sigh then they saw them. It was the first born daughter, Athanasia and the second born Kali. They names go in the order:

Athanasia, Kali, Hala, Venetia, Persephone, Eleanor, Chiwa, Lefu, Selima, Dahlya, Dai; and then the new born. Dahlya and Dai are twins and the only ones.

"You can't always have your way, you do know that right?" Athanasia said to Kali. Kali rolled her eyes, "Of course I know I don't get my way every time! What do you think I am? A Witch?!" Kali yelled. Kali had grey hair and silver eyes like Yin, the moon but her name meet destruction, and that's what she did.

"I sometimes do you think you are! You act like the whole Spiritual World is yours!" Athanasia said and her short white hair blow in the wind. She was wearing a black dress that stopped at her knees and her left hand was made of bone. Her name meant Immortal, as her mother and father she is the only one in the family that is immortal.

"Because. . . Because it is!" Kali said back at her. That was it for Athanasia. "NO IT'S NOT ITS FOR THE DEAD AND YOU KNOW IT! YOU ARE A DAUGHTER OF THE GRIM REAPER NOT SATIN! SO IF I HEAR ONE MORE WORD ABOUT HOW ITS NOT FAIR FOR YOU I WILL PERSONAL DELIVER YOU TO HIM!" Athanasia blew up in her face and in her left bone hand her scythe appeared. Kali was silence then sneered. "Go ahead and side with Cassandra why don't you it's not like we were close as sister's back when it was just me and you. Maybe I will go to Satin." Kali said and disappeared in a harsh black light that Arda and Micah had to shut their eyes for.

When they opened their eyes they saw Athanasia sitting on the ground and looking right at them. They thought they were goners but she had a small apologetic smile on. Which caught them off guard.

"Sorry you had to see that. My sister was never the same after the fifth sister, Persephone was born. What are you two doing so far out here in the Dark Forest?" She asked. "We were running from are village and we came into the Dark Forest without thinking about it." Arda replied to her. She nodded as that was not new to her. "Well we can't have you spending the night out her now can we? Your in my fathers dome so your my family's guest. And don't worry their nothing like Kali." She said smiling and Arda and Micah smiled back at her.

At the Grim Manor. . .

"Welcome to the Grim Manor! Where it now holds 12 people!" Athanasia said. "Don't worry, if your scared which you are I can tell, because you radiate fear. My family it not bad people we're just picture bad." Athanasia said. "How do you know that was all started? And by who?" Arda asked.

"It was started when Kali was 16." Athanasia answered than got quiet. "Persephone started it because, well she can't see but into the future."

"Of course I can!" A new girls voice said.

They turned to see and girl with her hair in a bun and in green armor and a blind fold on her eyes. Her hair is reddish brown and since they couldn't see her eyes they just looked at her skin color then her eyes. Her skin color is pale but not deadly pail so she must go out places.

"I can see you. You're about to ask why I'm not deadly pail. I go out places you know." Persephone said. "You mean you can, psychically see us?" Micah asked. She laughed. "I like you! Yes I can psychically see you and I can feel your movements." Persephone smiled at them.

"If I may ask who did you find Athanasia?" A woman's voice asked. "Hey mom this is-" Athanasia started but was cut off by Persephone. "Arda Williams and Micah Smith. Daughter of a blacksmith and son of a farmer in a village called Eriport." She said faster than the spirit of Yin. Arda and Micah looked shock they didn't say anything like that to her of Athanasia.

The woman nodded to her fifth daughter and than she looked at Arda and Micah. "I am Haven wife to the Grim Reaper. My daughters find the nicest people and well you do look nice." Princess Haven smiled at them.

"Mother I need to talk to you, since Athanasia needs to show Arda and Micah around, it's about Kali." Persephone said. Princess Haven looked at Persephone and nodded her head and tapped her foot three times and turned around and walked into the house. Persephone followed.

"If you're wondering why she taped her foot three times, it lets Persephone know you nodded at her." Athanasia said.

"How come she has to wear that on her eyes?" Micah asked. Athanasia sighed. "I don't know it maybe be because she doesn't she now she only sees the future. Her prophecy says to only way to cure it is to by our father and on her 30th birthday which is in 9 years and 2 days. We haven't seen him since Cassandra's Birth. And her prophecy is worst. Maybe." She said.

"So how old is she? I mean Cassandra?" Arda asked. Athanasia smiled. She must love her baby sister. "Two days old. And the prophecy is complete on her 9th birthday so I don't know." She looked so confused with all the prophecies to keep up with.

She looked up. "Come on, I'll show you around, this is going to take a while as this is one big spooky house." She said smiling. She opened the front door and they stepped inside and gasped.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 16, 2016 ⏰

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