Chapter 1

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It was finally Friday the end of the week, which means the weekend and I can catch up on some "Doctor Who" 'yeah I know boring' but its better than going out greeting drunk and whatnot. I prefer to stay in. Currently I was walking to my last class, which was Spanish, with my best friend Cara.

"So what are your plans for this weekend?" She asked.

"I'm just gonna stay home and catch up on some 'Doctor Who'." I say

"You never go out, you always stay home." She says as we enter the class.

"Buenas Tardes Señora Sánchez." We tell our teacher as we sit down in our chairs.

"Come with me to a party this weekend with me?" She says, taking out her things for the lesson.

"You know that's not my kind of environment." I tell her as I take out my notebook and pencil.

"I know, but please come with me tonight?" She tells me giving me her puppy dog eyes.

I mean going to one party won't hurt right? I dunno.

"Okay I will, just this once." I tell her sternly.

"Yay!! Thank youuu." She says.

"Yeah yeah." I says turning to the front to pay attention.


Once class was over, we walk out of the class and over to our locker, to put our stuff away, luckily Cara's was next to mine.

"I'll text you the address tonight okay?." She tells me as she closes her locker and we walk towards the double doors at the front of the school.

"Alright, see you then." I tell her as I make my way to my car. 'yes I have a car, my parents got it for my 15th birthday.

"Bye babeeeee" Cara yells as she walks to her car. I laugh and wave bye to her.

I get in and pull out of the parking lot and make my way back home.


The first chapter to my new book. Tell me what you think.

I hope to have another chapter of FFMFB up soon

All the love
Isabel 💖💖

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