Hello, Boring Intro

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Project Terracotta was a super top secret experiment first thought of in the late 90's only sixteen years ago was it put in motion.

Twenty witches were impregnated with sorcerer DNA. The babies were then used in an experiment to combine other powers. The witch and sorcerer powers made them strong enough to withstand the power. They grafted necromancer, various half daemon types, and shaman DNA to their chain. Giving them the power of all five at a reduced level.
Only four babies survived past year one.

The four children were put in the care of employees who would pose as parents and monitor their progress.

As the children grew up they were not made aware of their condition.

At age ten the children were brought back to the lab under sedatives and injected with werewolf saliva. The werewolf virus was a volatile mix with the other powers and only one patient survived.

Her name was Amelia Wood.

Six years later...

"Amelia! You're going to be late!" Startled me awake with a pounding at my door, it was my mom.

"Alright I'm up!" I shouted back through the door. "Ten minutes mom!"

Her pounding stopped and I heard her heels click away from the door.

I groaned and flopped back onto my bed, I'd stayed up all night last night studying for a huge AP chemistry test I had today. Meaning I got maybe four hours of sleep.

I rolled off the bed onto my thick carpet that at times is more comfortable than my bed, which means the carpet is ridiculous.

I walked to my closet and put on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top, a white v-neck t-shirt over that, my knee-high black leather boots, and my thick leather jacket.

I ran a brush through my short bob of white-blonde hair and glanced in the mirror. I never use makeup because I don't need it, my long black lashes make my bright amber eyes seem huge and my light brown eyebrows contrast with my pale skin and rosy cheeks.

A muscle spasmed in my arm and I winced, rubbing at it. Already I felt a headache coming on and I grabbed four ibuprofen. I have a higher metabolism than most which must speak for my five foot ten inch height.

I grabbed my satchel and slipped on my dark Sunglasses. I grabbed two energy bars on my way out the door because, as my mom said, I was late. I hopped on my motorcycle, secured my satchel, fixed my helmet and rode away to school.

Damn I should have stayed home.

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