Story on the sisters (Melody and Katherina)

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Katherina story:
Once upon a time, there was a palace called Asgard. Two kids and a king and a queen. Thor was four at the time( that  is funny.) and a newborn named Katherina. Odin and Frigga was very happy with this family but they wanted a friend for Katherina and Thor so Odin went to go find two kids to adopt. He found two frost giants beside each other, he named one Loki and the other  Melody. He took both of them. Loki was four at the same time Thor was four. They both fight,played, and argued together. It was a great day for all of them. Then, Melody and Katherina turned 1 and said their first word. Katherina's was "cake" and Melody's was "Loki" it was the best day for them. Loki turned 20 and Thor turned 20, too. Katherina and Melody was 16 at that time. They were all there for Thor's coronation. Loki and Melody wasn't really in the family, they pranced and tricked and did magic always. They fitted in their own way.
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Melody's story;)
I was a newborn and Lauley, plus his wife were happy. Loki was excited to have a sister. Then they all heard a "BANG!" Loki ran as fast taking his sister Melody with Loki was four when this happened. Then Odin appeared taking both of them in. Loki meeting Thor and playing together. Melody and Katherina played together too. Melody and Katherina turned 1 and their first words were "Cake" and "Loki
Skip time
Melody and Katherina finally turned 16. Thor and Loki was 20 at that time. Loki and Melody did everything together they can. Till Loki and Her did something really bad and got banded. Sad. Yea I know.

Thanks, for reading! I update a lot everyday. Bye mortals and dull creatures!

Loki and Thor sisters(fanfic)*completed*Where stories live. Discover now