Things Go Bad *Eva*

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"Positive," I say with a nod.

"Okay. I'll see you in English," Connor says, beginning to walk away.

"Tell your friends to stop hitting on me," I say. He turns around and gives me a thumbs up before walking to his friends. I smile and walk to the front doors of the school. Belle walks up beside me.

"So you and Connor?" she asks.

"What?" I ask in turn. I broke Belle out of her shyness shell yesterday. It was quite easy. I think she just wanted a friend to talk to and here I am.

She rolls her eyes. "I seen you two come out from behind that tree. What were you two doing?"

"Just talking. He was upset over something and I told him to stop his friends from hitting on me," I say.

"Okay. I believe you but you wanna know something? I catch a lot of good drama around this school. Jessica is going to rip you to shreds when she realizes you were with him. She has a major crush on him but he hates her," Belle says. Well, this is new.

"What is she going to do? Sass me to death? Tell her daddy?" I ask. Belle told me yesterday that Jessica's dad is some super rich guy who does a lot for this school. Belle laughs.

"True," Belle says.

The bell rings and Belle and I go our separate ways. I have to go to Algebra II first thing in the morning. How fun. Not. Maybe I could practice that image projection I've been working on. Only the person I'm trying to talk to will see it which makes it perfect.

I take my seat and stare at the wall. The announcements start and I immediately tune them out. I have no part in them and to be honest, they bore me so much. Instead, I think about projecting my image. The only person I can do that to is Connor. Now what class was he in? Chemistry? Yeah, I think so. So I concentrate on seeing him in that class.

It must've work because I can see him in front of me. He looks at me with wide eyes and looks around. "Eva?" he whispers.

"In a projection, yes," I say. "Oh, no need to whisper. If you're talking to me, they won't hear anything and they won't see anything either. Whatever you were doing before you started talking to me is what they'll see. Which is now you working on your paper."

"No one else can see you?" he asks, still writing on his paper. I should probably leave him alone but I'm not going to. Call it selfish but I don't want to be back in my head. Right now, my body is on autopilot, doing whatever is expected of me.

"Nope. Just tell me if you want me to go away. I can see that you're working," I say.

"Well, I just finished," Connor says, looking up from his now completed paper. "I'm always the first to finish. It's quite boring usually. No one in this class to talk to."

"I'd tell you something but I'm not the gossip type. Do not look at my outfit and say otherwise. I see what you're thinking," I say. Connor raises his hands in defence.

"Yeah, well you said something. You know something. Now spill it," Connor says.

"Well," I say, dragging out the word. I never got to say what it was because an older lady, the secretary, burst into the room and asks for Connor.

"Eva," Connor says quietly, standing up and gathering his stuff.

"I'm coming. Don't worry," I say although I still think he should worry. I don't have a very good feeling about this and I've learned to trust my instincts. They're usually right.

"I'm so sorry to inform you but your dad is here to pick you up and..." the secretary says once we enter the hall. Well? Get on with it lady! "Your mom is in the hospital." Oh my. Oh no.

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