chapter 5

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FIVE – 2 words: Physical Education

It was around eight O’clock that I heard some banging. I was trying to finish up my Math homework. The one class I don’t have with Corey, but with Natasha, which by the way wasn’t any better because of the glares she would send me.

I was just finishing it up when I heard a loud crash followed by a string of profanities. I wasn’t quite sure what it was. I had my bedroom window open to let some cool air in, and noticed the room right across from me. Corey’s room.

His room was pitch black, but had the window opened as well. ‘That’s odd, if he isn’t home why would he leave his window open? But then again this is Corey we are talking about, and his lack of judgement…..well isn’t the best.’

I walked to my window with cautious steps. I didn’t know what to expect. I reached my window, and tried to look into the darkness of Corey’s room. I could see nothing; it was like starring into a black hole.

Suddenly, the light to his room burst on. I jumped slightly not expecting that. ‘Get it together Emily.’  I thought to myself.

I scanned the room and found a once beautiful dark blue lamp on the floor of his room crashed into a million little pieces. I looked around some more, and say Corey sleeping on his floor passed out.

“Probably drunk,” I muttered to myself. I looked at him once more. He had a content smile playing upon his lips. His hair was sticking out in random directions. He looked sort of innocent.

Than the New Years party and the blonde bimbo sitting on him flashed to my mind. ‘Ya he’s ‘innocent’ all right.’ I scoffed to myself.

I closed my window and returned to my homework.


The next morning I awoke at 7:00. I didn’t feel like going to school today. Especially since I had Physical Education today. Yepe! Let’s all jump for joy...Not!

I went to my closet and picked out a pair of dark blue jeans, and a black tank top to underneath my blue sweater. After getting changed I went to my bathroom and got a look at my wild hair.

It was EVERWHERE! I didn’t know what to do with it. I tried combing it out, which didn’t exactly work so I settled on leaving it in a high messy ponytail.

I put my usual makeup on. Black eyeliner and sparkly skin colour eye shadow. I decided against mascara today since my eyelashes were super long anyways. After that I brushed my teeth and made my way downstairs towards the kitchen.

I didn’t know what suddenly happened, but it felt like my life was a routine! And I was sick of it. Waking up every morning at a specific time, picking out what to wear, brushing my teeth putting on my makeup, eating breakfast going to school, and on and on.

I pushed the thought out of my head. I ate a granola bar, not really hungry today. I picked up my bag popped a piece of gum in my mouth and made my way outside. It was very chilly this morning so I put on my jacket. I reached my car and got in.

I didn’t really know if Corey needed a ride, so I kind of sat there and waited. “Oh! This is ridiculous!” I said. I got out of my Infiniti, and went over to the Wolf’s house. I rang the doorbell without so much as a second thought and was greeted by the sight of a sleepy Corey.

This time I didn’t take the time to ‘soak in his features’

“What are you doing?!” I yelled.

He looked shocked at my outburst, “What are you talking about?” He said puzzled.

“It’s…...” I looked at my watch “OH MY GOD! IT’S 8:40!!” I screeched.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2011 ⏰

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