Black Rose

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I glared at the clock. Five minutes left of this stupid lecture Mr. Martin was giving. I almost felt sorry for the old man. He was balding and what little hair he had left was grey. I dont even think he could see past his pot belly. No one kid in his class liked him either.Besides me of course. He was my favorite teacher in eleventh grade.  

 I looked at the clock again. Two minutes. Great. Trying to pass the time I faintly drew a rose on my hand in pen. For as long as I could remeber my mother had forced me to memerize the symbol. She said at the time that she couldnt tell me why but that when the time came the ring would know. Whatever  that ment.

Looking up I realized that almost everyone was  gone. The bell had rung while i had been inside my  own little world. Sighing I stuffed my things into my bag, stood up, then silently made my way to the door.

Just as I was exiting I crashed into something warm. Before i could lose my balence a pair of hands snaked out and grabbed me on the tops of my arms.  I looked up to apologize and thank my rescuer,but stopped short.

His eyes were so beautiful that it took my breath  away. Such an intense blue. Like two little sapphires staring down at me from under dark lashes, while  also being framed with golden blonde hair. I gulped, craning my neck back to look him up at his tall frame.  I cleared my throat.

"Uhm. Im sorry. Thanks for uh catching me." I felt  the blush creeping up my cheeks and grimaced. He laughed.

"No problem. Im Ash." He held out his hand to shake. Quickly I latched on to his with my own  feeling the need to touch him. His hands were so soft yet still hard. It made no sense but it felt nice.

"Im Luce." I smiled. He expression waas almost amused.

"You don't happen to be Lucinda Wilson do you?" I gasped slightly.

"Yes. I am. Have I met you before or something?" He chuckled.

"No. I dont believe so. I like your ring by the way." I glanced down at my hand which was still locked in his grasp. It looked funny. The black metal looked...shiny? Was that it? It almost seemed to be glowing. I looked back up at Ash.

"Thanks. Well I better get to lunch. I'll see you later?" Again his expression looked amused.

"Yes. You will." He smiled,dazzling me for a moment. He then released my hand and as he walked away he waved.  

 Well what the hell was that? He just talked to me. No one at Marshals Highschool ever talked to me. I  was that out cast kid in highschool. The one everyone just pretended didnt exist. Then why would a Greek God waste his time talking to me? It didnt even make sense. Then again I was the one who bumped into him. Maybe he was just being polite. But he complimented my ring. I glanced  down at it and gasped.

All the while Ash and I had been talking it had progressively gotten warmer. Now it was bordering  on the edge if painfull. Quickly I searched for a room. By now eveyone was at lunch so the halls were  empty as I rushed into a broom closet.  

Quickly I tore off my ring and flung it to the floor  fully expecting it to break. Instead it started growing  and shining. The glowing got to bad that I was forced  to cover my eyes with my hands. Just as I was about  to cry out it all stopped. Everything.

Wearily I uncovered my eyes and glared at my  ring. Then paused. Beside it was a small rectanguLar box. It couldn't have been bigger than an ipod. It also  had delicate lines drawn all over it. That wasn't what  had caught my eye though. Beside of the box was a  photograph. A picture of Ash was laying right next to my ring.

 I gasped and slide down the wall until I was firmly sitting on the hard cold floor. What does this mean? Why is Ashs picture here?! Why did my ring do that? Should I even call my Mom? Or does she alright know this would happen?

 I sighed and put my head in my hands, my long dark hari hiding my face. What am I even supossed to do? Quickly I got out my phone and dialed my Mothers number. She answered on the third ring.

"Lucinda. You are supossed to be in class." I groaned.

"Mom. Its lunch time. And I'm kinda dealing with something more important." I took in a sharp breath then slowly let it out. "The ring. It started glowing and, and expanding. It, it was-" She cut me off.

"Lucinda. Come home. Now." My eyes shot open in surprise.

"What? You want me to just leave school?" I heard her grumble in the background.

"Yes. I do. Get to your car and come home. Bring everything. The ring, the box, and the picture. Honey, you need to hurry also. Do you understand?" I gulped in air.

"Yeah. I do. I'll go as fast as I can Mom. I'll see you in like ten minutes."

"I love you, Luce." I think I heard her voice crack, but it could've been my imagination.

"I love you too Mom." I heard the phone click and knew she hund up. Okay. Now to get the stuff.

Slowly I crawled over to my ring. Cringing I pick it up along with the little box and the picture. I gently slide the ring back onto the finger. Before I stuffed the box in my pocket I glance at Ash. God, he was handsome. It was impossible for a human being to be that attractive, but he was.

In the picture his increadibly bright blue eys were shining in delight and his perfectly sculpted lips were slighty turned up at the edges making him look like he was surpressing a smile and failing. His tousled blonde hair was flowing everywhere looking perfectly messy. There wasnt one scar or imperfection etched in his tan skin. he truely could've passed as a God.

I sighed my pushed his picture into the back pocket of my black skinnys. Gently I stood up and walked over to the door. Sighing I garbbed my bag then opened the door. The halls were clear as I made my way over to the double doors. Just as I was about to exit them I felt a hand on my shoulder. Slowly I turned around and met intense blue eyes.

"Hey Ash." I couldn't contain the smile that spread across my face, even the memory of what happened couldn't erase it. he smiled back.

"Hey there Luce. Where you going?" I paused. Should I tell him? What if that picture means he's bad?

"Luce, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I sighed and met his wonderful gaze again.

"I'm just going home." I bit my lip, a stupid addiction I have.

"Oh. So am I. Can I walk you to your car?" I fiddled with a piece of hair.

"Yeah sure." He smiled and lightly set his hand on the small of my back. A shiver went through me theen we were walking towards my old grey Onvio.

•   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •   •

So this is my first story. Go easy on me xD But still like give me advice. Thanks! Comment and tell me what you like/dislike and Ill prbably upload faster c:


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2011 ⏰

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