It was a miracle SHIELD hadn't found you yet.

You walked to the 'safe house' but half way there you realised SHIELD had found you. The vibrations in the ground were characteristic of a military squadron.  The pounding were to strong to be a single man and to regular to be of any organised group.

The faint smell of gun powder reached your nose. Agents with guns. Not good. Your hand reached out to catch Steve but your hand only a grasp a piece of cloth. Your fingers slipped through Steve's shirt as though it was water. He stepped away, not noticing the distress in his eyes. The SHIELD agents noticed the commotion and as soon as they realised who it was started firing. 

Bucky got lucky and raised his arm to block the bullets. the metal arm that is. the bullets got deflected. Steve unfortunately, wasn't so lucky. A bullet seemed to have lodged itself in his stomach and the other zipped fast beneath the ear, narrowly missing your head.

Steve hit the ground. You ducked and grabbed Steve's arm, pulled him closer to you. You placed his arm over your shoulders and started dragging Steve away from the  SHIELD agents. A dozen at most but all armed with weapons that looked like fire arms. Those that could kill with a mere sound.

You shared a look with Bucky and then whispered in Steve's ear: "Stay hidden. We'll take 'em out and come get you. put pressure on that wound for me."

Steve eyes were closed but a faint nodded made you know he understood. 

You shared eye contact with Bucky again and it was as though you had trained in the army together for years. You took straight on, he would attack from behind. the shots seized and you took it as your cue: "Since when has SHIELD turned upon it's hero. Since when was SHIELD stupid enough to attack those who save them?"

You saw the end of Bucky's arm disappear behind a side street. Behind. he'll attack from behind.

You turned out of the narrow street you had laid Steve in and faced the crowd of agents. You forced yourself to smile although it was only slight, trying to seem confident under pressure, trying to seem in control and to be the one with all the assets of the situation. But the truth was you were scared, terrified in fact, that someone would decided to shout you before Bucky and you could start attacking.

Curiosity was their fault. If they had not been stricken by the curiosity to see a new avenger would they have been more alert and noticed the shiny gray metal that reflected on the windows of the lower buildings.

You eyed them. Their eyes wondered from you to the leader of their squadron who looked like a middle-aged man. His eyes were strained on you, he seemed to be debating weather to open fire. Taking advantage of the doubt in their minds you took a step forwards. Your steps eased confidence, because they had to; any sign of weakness could prove to be fatal.

A lump seem to form in your throat. A lump you could not swallow, not without admitting weakness in front of the enemy. You took another step, this one more hesitant but still not enough to send a volley of bullets at your chest.

Even you couldn't survive that. Stay calm. You're gonna be fine. Yeah right. A dozen guns pointed at my chest and I'm walking towards them; of course I am going to be fine.

You took another step trying to keep your attention on walking not on the guns pointed to your heart. Wrong move. A flinch. The agent to the immediate left of the leader. Your feet sprung into action, like muscle memory taking it' tool. Years of combat experience mixed with the heat of the moment. You hadn't had the time to make a head start but you managed to slip a foot onto the wall and pushed yourself off.

You landed on your feet, the bullet passed but your breath was uneven; you looked at the team of agents and hoped that they wouldn't join the shooting. It seemed to take them a second to realised what had happened.

Your eyes spot Bucky on the side-walk behind him apparently both your distraction and the gunshot had masked the sound he had made while walking over to you. 

He grabbed the furthest agent's head and bocked them out. Two down. ten to go. 

You slipped to the side. The guns all turned on you. Fortunately you were covered but the first person. you couldn't kill these people that would just be affirming the fact that was so hard to forget; you were fugitives conspiring with a murderer.

You kicked the man in the head making him fall domino over two others and making the others very confused. You kicked the ribs of the next agent, placed your hand on his calf and twisted to the left. You slammed your head into his, luckily your skull was used to fractures and stuff like that thanks to the army and in general, combat.

He wasn't so lucky, he crumpled beneath you. You kicked the next one in the ribs but you hadn't noticed that he was in position to shoot. Your arm regretted it as the bullet traced it's way through it. Pain traced it way through your arm. It went numb. You tried to throw a punch at his face but he shot you again. This time in your shoulder.

You threw a kick at his head. But the kick sent a shiver down your body, making your arm and shoulder flare with pain. Your eyesight became spotted and slowly faded into darkness; still surrounded by Bucky and other SHIELD agents who wouldn't hesitate to kill you. 

The soldiers. Steve Rogers/Captain America x readerWhere stories live. Discover now