Chapter 1

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"Keep the gun steady dammit! Have you no breath control?" Will was used to his father yelling at him. The deer ran away into the trees away from the noise. "I have no idea how to get this through your damn little head kid. If you don't learn how to shoot a rifle, how the hell are we gunna eat dinner? You tell me."
"Shut up. You aren't even my dad. Why don't you just do it yourself?" Will said
"What'd you say?" Will's dad replied. He threw his fist at Will, and hit him square in the nose. Will fell to the ground into a pile of leaves, feeling dazed. "Get back to the cabin. If I catch anything, you won't be gettin' any of it. Back to your room and don't come out 'till 4 in the mornin' for your chores," Will's dad said. "Get up and get movin'." Will got up, holding his bleeding nose, and walked towards the small, two- story wooden cabin, where he lived, in the middle of the woods.

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