"College? What college?"

"I want to go to college again, Ma," I mumbled, avoiding her eyes.

She beamed. "Chris, that's great! I'm so happy for you. Where are you looking?"
I sighed. "UCLA."

Her face dropped a bit. "UCLA? That's on the other side of the country. What about Isaiah? What about your job here? You don't even know anyone out there, Chris," she rushed out.

"Relax," I gritted out. "It's just a thought. I was gonna wait till Lauren got back anyway. Forget I even said anything."

She looked me over for a moment and her eyes saddened even more. "Chris, what's wrong?"

Even more shit.

"Whatchu mean?"

"You're losing weight, aren't you?"

Yes. "No, I'm good." I shrugged her off.

"Chris, look at me," she said sternly. Eventually I turned and locked eyes with her. "I can see it in your face. Are you worried about your sister? And what about that girl?"

Mother's intuition. Fuck.

"No, I'm not worried about Lauren," I lied. "And that girl is fine. Her name is Charlie."

"Oh goodness, what did you do this time, Chris?"

I scoffed. "I ain't do shi—nothing. It was all her this time." She stared at me, waiting for me to explain. I huffed. "I took her out for her birthday and she accidentally kissed me."

"Accidentally? Chris, you didn't pressure her, did you?"

I shook my head hastily. "No, this was all her. Haven't spoken to her since." I tapped my fingers on my thigh impatiently, avoiding her eyes again. Mystery's kiss was nice. It was just surprising that she actually did it, but I wasn't gonna complain. She was a good kisser, I guess. It was nice and soft, and I didn't even try to take it any further because that woulda made shit worse.

She was obviously in her feelings that day.
My momma told me to get her a pretty flower, told me to make her talk to me without me getting arrested, and sent me on my way.
My next stop was just home. I texted Sam.

From: me
yo is Mystery working tonite?

Five minutes later, as I was finishing up a glass of water, my phone signaled I had a response.

From: Sam
Long time no talk haha! Yeah she works tonight...why?

I grinned. Perfect. God must have been looking out for me after all. I chugged down another glass of water and thought of what to say. Should I tell her what happened? Honestly, I was surprised Mystery ain't tell her that shit.
Nah, she ain't need to know.

From: me
Long story, Sam. Don't worry bout it!
"Your change is five dollars and fifty-two cents," I smiled at the elderly lady and bagged her New Start on Life book. "You have a wonderful night."

She smiled up at me through her bifocals, collected her things and headed out. Her husband was right behind her, carrying her purse for her. I smiled at them. Old people who were still together after all the bullshit in the world made me so happy. They deserved respect.

There was no point in hoping and wishing Aaron and I would turn out like that. But when I was younger I always wanted my parents to last. But we all know how that turned out.
I started walking from behind the counter and heading to the back to start shelving some books. Today went by quick and easy.

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