Prologue Part One

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    Dan's pov
        Ugh. Its six in the morning, and I still havent slept. Phils snores sound through the paper-thin walls, and for once, I'm not comforted by the noise. That noise is the reassurance that he's there, another person in the house other than me and my imagination. Grumbling to myself, I slide out of bed.
        Normally, I keep a vast distance between me and coffee, but today I know im going to need it if I want to do anything productive. I pour myself a mug of the bitter liquid, and steel myself. Sipping daintily, I turn on my phone and nestle myself into my browsing crease, reading through the comments of my most recent video. Mostly positive fluff. Smiling, I switch onto tumblr and lose myself in the dark abyss of memes.
    Phil's pov
          Stretching open my eyes, I reach over and turn on my phone. 11:30. The smell of roasted coffee beans hits me, and I follow the alluring scent to its source. Surprisingly, Dan has decided to brave the bitterness. I wonder if he didnt sleep again. Shrugging to myself, I continue on my path to revival. I never seem to be able to focus on anything but coffee in the morning.
           After I downed a cup of life, I grabbed Lion and nestled into my corner of the sofa, turning on death note. Looking over at Dan, I notice he looks a bit like L with the massive circles under his hazel eyes. The theme song came on, and I turned my attention back to the screen. We'll talk about it later.

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