chapter 21 - The Weight of the World

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Young Zoey turned back to Layla.

Layla gently put Dawn in Young Zoey's arms. "Like this. Okay, support the head. There you go. We're calling her Dawn."

Willow smiled a small smile. "Dawn."

Young Zoey smiled. "I... I could be the one to look after her sometimes... if you need a helper." Layla nodded. "Mom? Can I take care of her?"

Layla smiled, stroking her hair. "Yes, Zoey, you can take care of her."


Willow appeared in the desert in the sacred place at night by an open fire. She looked around in confusion. "O...kay."


The scene was from 'Intervention'.

Zoey was sitting at one side of the fire.

The First Slayer was on the other side of the fire.

Willow looked at her warily. "Hey... I know you. You're--you're the first original Slayer who tried killing us all in our dreams." The First Slayer gazed at Zoey. Willow shrugged. "How've you been?"

The First Slayer looked at Zoey. "Death is your gift."

"Wait, death is her what?" Willow asked.

"Death..." Zoey trailed off.

"Is your gift," the First Slayer told her.

"Okay, no," Zoey told her. "Death is not a gift. I know this."

"Yeah, you tell her, Zo," Willow told her.

The First Slayer looked at Zoey. "What comes to as a sacrifice from you may be a gift for all others."

"What?" Zoey asked.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Willow asked.

The First Slayer was obscured by the flames, following the contours of her body. "You are finished here."

The First Slayer and the fire disappeared.

All that was left was cold gray rocks and sand.

Zoey and Willow frowned in confusion.


Willow appeared back in the Francis house.

Young Zoey was sitting at a child-sized round table with some toys on it, holding a doll. "Hi, Willow. What are you doing here?"

"Actually, I'm, uh, looking for you," Willow answered. "Here. Again."

Young Zoey smiled. "You remember all the fun we had with dolls?"

Young Zoey stroked her doll's hair.

Willow knelt next to her. "I think we already deja'd this vu."

Young Zoey giggled. "You talk funny."

"Yes, as you'll tell me again when we're older and in chem class," Willow told her. "Zoey, I need you to come with me."

"It's a big day for me," Young Zoey told her.

The front door opened.

Layla and Todd walked in with a baby in their arms.

"Hello?" Layla called.

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