"No, you might be a little dehydrated. The natives like to dress up to scare off newcomers. They set the forest on fire." David laced his finger to explain the misunderstanding. I narrow my eyes at him not buying it.

"I know what I saw, and it was not that." I press, hoping he would change his story this time. Maybe it was my mortal hope that maybe he was not the only mystical person in the world and David was lying to me.

"I am the only one like me, what you saw were natives." David's accent deepens, none that I have ever heard of in California, foreign maybe?

Liar. Anger courses through me at the fact that he's lying. Why won't he tell me? Because i'm a mortal girl? Growling I push off the sand to storm off into the ocean to cool off. I allow the waves to crash over me, letting me get closer to the last place I saw Samuel.

"Please get out of the water, you're going to freeze to death." The icy cold annoyance was back. Turning my back to him I stare off into the crystal blue sky. Not a cloud in sight. The summer sun does little to warm the frigid waters.

I deserve to freeze, freeze like I should have froze three days ago, frozen in the ocean like Samuel, as cold as David's ice scepter.

"Do not make me go out there and get you." The sharp command was meant to be taken seriously. I ignore him, I don't need this.

"Are you going to tell me the truth?" I bark back. I might as well use myself as a bartering tool if I plan on dying anyway. Force his hand to learn some answers since he believes he is under orders to protect me.

"I am telling you the truth, þú ókunnugt stúlka." That caught my attention, I twirl around to give him a look. The water fighting my movement.

"Excuse me?" I snap back, confused. That was the first he directly yelled at me in his weird language out loud. "English please?"

Kicking up sand on his way to the ocean he takes a tentative step into the water, freezing it instantly. Sliding across the water top on the bed of ice he scoops me up out of the water and glides back to shore to toss me roughly back onto the beach.

Sand clings to my wet clothes getting everywhere.

"Are you always this short tempered?" I snap, crossing my hands turning my back to him on dry land, freezing.

"You're calling me short tempered storming off to freeze to death in the ocean what is wrong with you?" The coldness no longer evident as his temper flairs to match mine. He grabs my shoulder to spin me around to look at him.

"Why can't you just admit that they were fire trolls out there and not natives. I am not stupid I saw what I saw, your an Ice Prince there has to be something different and you're afraid to tell me. Why?" I say quickly, losing my anger to fear at his ice dagger look. Slowly withdrawing his grip he backs away to stare at the ground.

"I... can not. I'm not at liberty to discuss anything of this sort with you." He grumbles, fidgeting with his gloves again to stare at his slowly melting ice on the ocean.

"Explain?" I repeat softly, afraid he might lash out or quit talking. I finally have something to go on I did not want him to stop dropping subtle clues. "I can handle the weirdness. I know I had a moment panic but I'm okay now. Netflix has prepared me for this moment." I state firmly. It was David's turn to cast me a weird look.

"Hvað? How does that help?" He ask catching himself, I can't help but laugh at his underestimation of my knowledge of the unknown through my many many long nights of watching TV.

"I am not going to be one of those people who freak out at the unknown." I assure him, forcing myself to stand up on the beach. "Minus earlier." I mumble under my breath.

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