First Chapter :) "what"

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Here we for first chapter; )  


"I'm in Trouble I'm an addict I'm addicted to this girl she's got my heart in a knot and my stomach in a whirl" my alarm clock sang Trouble by NevershoutNever

I slammed my hand down on the alarm hearing a successful nothing and got out of bed and dragged myself to my bedroom bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and turned on the water till the water was at perfect temperature and jumped in.

I did my shower needs as I sang Jane Doe by NevershoutNever. After I was done I got out and wrapped myself in a towel.

Oh yeah my names Emily Sophia Paris , Em or Emma. I'm 16 and live with my aunt, oh and I'm                                                                 a............................................................ Human!  

Haha I crack myself up.

I walked to my walk in closet and grabbed my black studded combat boots some white skinny holey acid jeans, I took a white tank top and my black hang off shoulder shirt that says "Fuck You ".

I put on my Purple Lacey bra and matching panties then the rest of my clothes.  

I did my make up (eyeliner, mascara little blush, little eyeshadow, and baby lips chap stick) I have perfect tan 

skin so yeah. 

After that I fixed my Scene hair and put on a Purple Studded snap back and black shades, brackets, necklaces, my piercings. (belly button, cartilage , lip, nose, whole bunch other things on my ears I have like 7 piercings on each ear so yeah)

I grabbed my phone keys to my bike and my hobo bag. I put my head phones and other stuff, including my Wallet in the bag and went down stairs.

My aunts was cooking breakfast so I sat down at Ltd quickly "Thanks Aunt Annie oh and Good morning" I said putting the plate in the sink. She looked at me "Jeez child no need to scarf down the food and Good morning " she said.

After she was done talk I went to my bike outside and put the key in and the bike roared to life. I put my bag in the casement and put my helmet on and drove to South High School.

Once I got there I parked in a handicap parking spot as people stared at me as I took my helmet off fixed my hair, put my hat back on and my sunglasses. I grabbed my bag keys and skateboard and skated inside.  I heard some wolf whistles ,  flipped them off , got some jealousy glares flipped them off to.    I ksated to my locker to see my group oh friends "Hey my bitches!!!" i screamed when i got to them.

They all looked at me " Hey you!" Sam screamed i just looked at him blankly i never liked Sam hes just a douche , but ever one else likes him besides me . I looked at my besties Chelsea or Che Che haha "Che che why do we have to have Sam here?" I asked and same mimiced me in a high pitchy voice so guess what i turned around and socked him in the face.

I laughed when he groaned and of coure the bell rang to ruin our fun so they all scurred off while i got a book and a pencil and kept my bag but put my skateboard in and started walking to Math. Oh how much i hate math. Its not that im bad at math i just really HATE math its metal. abuse .to .humans. Im acutal smart not a lot of people know that but i am.

I got to Maths 10 minutes late. Oh well and slamed the door open and everyones head looked my way "Nice to see you joined us Mrs.Paris " my awesome scumbag of a teacher said "Would you like to tell me why your late: he asked. I laughed " Its a funny story im sure you don't have time for it but if you would like me to tell you i would have a plesure of doing that" i said in a fake cheerful voice.

My teacher walked over and pulled me to his desk but i ripped my arm from his grasp " Don't ever touch me you Scumbag of a teacher" i yelled at him. He looked surprised at my outburst " I was late because i punched someone in the face slowly walked here so i didnt have to be greeted in the morning by this Scumbag ok , theres why im late happy?" i said and walked to my seat in the back of the room.

__________________Lunch 12:00 sorry didnt wanna write all the classes_____________

I was skating  to the lunchroom with my group while someone opened the door and i skated in " Thanks!"  i called back. I skated to the lunch line got Pizza , fries and some cuties and a gatorade " Sams paying for me" and after that i walked to our seat in the middle of the room by the populars.

I ate my food and threw away the trash and sat on the table "Can i ditch the rest of the day?" i asked ha i don't need to ask "Well never mind i want to go to my art and singing classes so yeah." i said and grabbed my skate board and skated out of the lunch room.


Im now in Art and im szuppose to paint any picture i want so i painted me I have the tan skin all the piercings light blue Scene hair and a cute shirt and i was done in art gave her my photo and headed out the door and left school i don't feel like going to Singing or P.e today so bye school.

I rode my bike home to see a moving truck outside our house. THinking its a mistake i went inside to see boxes everywhere and hear comes my aunt " Oh hey Sweetie you have to go pack your room up were moving. That all i heard before i ran upstairs locked my door and started throwing stuff in boxes Youd think i wouldnt wanna get out of this town but my parents died in this town and i will be more than happy to get away.

________________End END END END_____________________________

Hope you like it Emily is on the side if you want to know what she looks like but imagine her with a whole bunch of piercings like i said and she has a couple tattoos Like on her pinky says promise her wrist says Stay Strong. On her hand theres a diamond and  on her pointer finger it says Shh..

:) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Emily

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