The whole

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  • Dedicado a Mum xoxo

This is a poem i wrote in january 2010. I know I'm not the best writter but please leave any comments that you may have. When I wrote this I was a very agressive towards someone very important in my life. This was my way of coping.

How could you do this?

Don't you see what you are doing?

Why is it always about you?

I see what it does to us

I'm tired of being in the middle like the devil's puppet

I'm tried of listerning to the children fighting

I'm tired......

I see it

You made him CRY on MY shoulder

Don't you care?

Tired of your games

Your puzzles

Your secrets

Your controlling ways

Your not the only one who is unhappy

Tired of my secret tears

so leave see if i care

I'll still be here will you?

I'm going to pick up the pieces

The F**KING pieces from the whole you broke

Conflicted is one self

So will I care when the war is over?

Nobody knows now not you, nor I, he or she

where will we all be?

I willlove you forever...

But I hate what you have done to I, he, she, you, them

In time I may forgive you for the mess you made of the whole

BUT I'll never forget the day you made the strong hold cry on my shoulder

No more words are left to say

No more dreams to lay

No more laugher

No more strength thats was the whole

you broke the walls so now I say:

Bittersweet is the whole forever more.

The wholeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora