school: part 1

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I got up and got ready for school. I waited outside at the bus stop, the bus turns the corner. The bus stops in front of me, the doors open. I make my way to the back, someone's in my seat. He looks like someone I've seen before, he's the one who was watching me. I decided to sit by him.

He said as he lifted his tired head, " Hello Nova."

My reply was, " How do you know me? Do I know you?"

Putting his head back to the cold foggy window, saying, "You should."

He covered his head with a dark navy blue hoodie to hide his smile and his amazingly sea blue eyes.

"Why should I?" I said in a harsh tone.

"Shhh, I need quiet , I'm waiting." he said in reply.

"What the hell do you need quiet for?"

He looked at me, smiling. Then the bus stopped at the side of the school, where they drop off the high schoolers. Hearing footsteps behind me, "You get off too, great. What class are you?"

He looked up, reached into his pocket, and showed me his I.D. badge. He hovered over me as we got off the bus.

"Why don't you talk? If you have something to say, say it asshole." I yelled, raging.

"That's what I was waiting for." he said laughing.

"What me, mad, pissed off?" more than raging at this point.

"Yeah, because it's funny." he was still laughing.

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