Important Note

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Hey guys! God bless you. I hope you are having a blessed weekend.

I was wondering how many of the readers have a time with God. This isn't a chapter to the book, but I know that this advice will really help. Anyways, I know that our lives can be pretty busy, but we need to make time for the one who gave it to us. I advise you to read and pray. This is the way that we will be able to overcome any obstacles in the day. I have been struggling for the past few weeks, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to serve God. Because I do with all my heart, and I know that I am stronger when I talk to Him. So, if you think that you have no time, then make some time. Instead of being on social media take those minutes and pray to our Father God, who wants to hear your voice crying out to Him, so He can help you. Thank Him, Praise Him, and pour out your heart to Him. He is the best listener for sure, but we also need to listen to what He has to say to us. In between your prayer keep silent, but praise Him in your mind and heart. If He speaks to you in your heart thank Him. And go straight to the word of God, the Bible, for wisdom, comfort, peace, and strength. I think that reading Psalms shows us how to praise Him, and it gives us peace and assurance(it has for me in times of the storm). If you have a devotional book read it! Read the verses and think upon them and keep them in your heart. I loved reading the Gospel books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Read a chapter or two to get you started. Think about them all the day long. Ask God to give you understanding, so that you may know what His word wants to say.

In conclusion there is always time for God. We must desire it! It is what keeps us going. And God deserves everything! Our time, love, and mind should all be dedicated to Him. If you have to wake up 10 min. early do it. It will help you get through the day with joy and peace.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from thee.
James 4:7

We can submit to God by reading his word and praying daily to Him. You will have the strength to say no to temptation and it will bother you know more. Submit to God. Resist the devil.

Draw nigh(close) to God, and He will draw nigh(close) to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye doubleminded
James 4:8

We can be close to God by obeying His word and always communicating with Him. He will help you if you ask Him to come and cleanse your heart and mind, then He will be able to come close.

God bless you! You will all be in my prayers!

Remember Jesus cares to hear your voice!

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