Chapter 11

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CPOV yawning I opened my eyes it was dark outside, moonlight cascaded in our room. I turned around and smiled. Derek was sleeping on his back with Damien curled on top of him like a cat and Athena snuggled to his side, her small fist was clutching the blanket that was wrapped around her. Damon was next to her and was facing me, I sat up and yawned.

My stomach growled and I quickly looked at Derek if he woke. He just grunted in his sleep and smacked something invisible; I covered my mouth with my hand to stop from laughing. Slipping out of bed I put on my night slippers and walked downstairs into the kitchen, yawning again I opened the fridge and grabbed the last peach can. "Hmm peaches" I murmured sitting on the table eating out of the can with a fork.

A moment later I heard someone come downstairs, I thought it was Derek thinking that he heard me but it wasn't. "Hi Royce" I murmured taking another bit of the peaches "Hey Chloe" he purred his eyes traveling up my legs. I cleared my throat and buttoned up the buttons that were opened and tried to pull down the shirt as much as I could. "So it looks like Derek and you got together" he said grabbing a bag of chips. I nodded

Looking down I didn't noticed Rory come behind me. I suddenly felt his breath near my ear "I could do so much better" he cooed, hands wrapped around my shoulders. I cringed and moved quickly out of his hands, knocking over the chair in the process. I was at the other side of the kitchen quickly my back pressed up against the counter.

Rory smirked and stalked towards me, I was frozen thinking about what to do, and he was half way across the kitchen when a fire lit up whip came into his hand. Pulling it back he slashed it. I screamed when I felt a burning sensation across my chest. He kept on hitting the air and I kept on feeling the pain all over my body and my face.

The last thing I saw was Rory being tackled and the pain stopped. I collapsed to the floor; I loved the feeling of the cold against the hot. I just wanted to stay here forever, that's when I passed out.

DPOV Punching the living daylight out of Rory while Tori and Simon went to Chloe, Frank called a healer. Damon woke up from mom's screaming and was in the room if he saw he would be sacred for life. Rex dragged me off of Rory, who fled as quickly as he could "Forget him Chloe needs you right now" he said. I quickly ran upstairs to the guest room where Chloe lay, burned slashes were all over her face, arms and legs.

The shirt was slashed where he burned and you could see them. I sat down next to Chloe and held her hot and fragile hand. "Babe please, wake up it'll be okay" I whispered. "It'll be okay don't worry you'll see" I whispered again letting a tear drop.

A moment later a women that was in her 30's walked in. "Men outside, women inside" she said. I was dragged outside even while I protested. "Derek she will be okay, don't worry" Frank said I nodded pacing back and forth near the door.

Frank and Rex stayed outside with me, "mummy" we snapped out heads towards the door. Where Damien stood in his black cotton Pj's holding a white teddy bear his black hair tousled. Damien rubbed his eyes "what happened I heard mummy screaming" he murmured walking up to me and held out his arms.

I bent down to pick him up, "shhh she'll be okay" I whispered. He looked at me with his piercing silver eyes and nodded "I had nightmare" he said.

"Okay tell me about it" I said walking away to bring him back to bed. Damon and Athena were back to sleep, I put him back in bed tucking him in; I sat down on the edge of the bed stroking his head lulling him to sleep. "Daddy do you ever dream about flying" he whispered snuggling into his bear.

I was taken aback by the question, I regained my posture before murmuring "no," he nodded and was quite for a second before replying "I wonder what it is like to fly, and have wings" he whispered. I looked carefully at him "I want to fly daddy" he whispered. "What was your dream about" I asked.

A small smile lit up his face "there was a man" he whispered "in a white wobe" he said. "The man was old...and had wings...white ones...they looked soft" he whispered shutting his eyes like remembering it. "He said that I needed to...protect...protect what daddy?" he asked.

"I asked him what...he said don't worry, the time will come...but he looked something bad was going to happen" Damien said finally opened his eyes, those silver eyes glittered in the moonlight.

"I want to fly daddy" he said again. "Like birdies" he giggled softly. "I want to protect mummy and daddy and Damon and Athena" he said looking down "but...I'm small...tiny...weak...but I'll you...and" he said in a whisper.

"From all bad the man that hurt...mummy" Damien looked at me and smiled. He reached out and held my hand "I you..." he whispered then one last time he asked "do you want daddy...I want to" he whispered and fell asleep. I stayed there making it all sink it while he slept, getting up I walked slowly out the room.

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