chapter 1: You want me to do what?

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Picture of kendra at the side ^

"Hey nerd", said the school's queen bee or as I liked to call her queen bitch her names Stacey Keller. "I see your still as ugly as ever" she tried insulting me, and she's not that good at it "I see you still have a brain of a squirrel considering how low your word plays are becoming".

"You better watch it nerd cause you won't want to see my bad side"she threatened

"So you have a good side?, nice threats by the way, really felt that one". I just love pissing people off. And she hit my books down and stormed off. Wow, great talk. I thought as I picked up my books.

"Hey nerd you seem confident?"and that is so not my best friends voice as I looked up and saw the school's very own bad boy Tyler Brewer.

"Umm....hey?" I asked and I stood and took a good look at him. He had brunette hair like mine that's falls across his forehead. He wore a black Versace shirt with summer shorts and vans and through his shirt you can see his six pack just so well defined. He had a chiseled chin with bright big brown eyes and God is he hot.

"Take a picture, it last longer" he said bring me out of my thoughts.

"Umm...I wasn't...I mean...I there something you need?" I said very uncool like. What is wrong with me, keep it together kendra. Nice pep talk.

"I need you to do me a favour". He said. And now it gets wierd. "You need me to do you a favour? And what kind of favour is this?" I asked. I'm sure it's for me to do some stupid assignment for him.

"I need you to be my girlfriend" he said "hold on" I told him as I got a bottled water from my bag put it in my mouth and spat it to get in the spirit of surprise. "What?" I shouted. "Please I really need you to do this for me"

"Okay, one, why would you need a fake girl friend?. Two, why would I want to do anything for you? and three, why can't you ask any one of Stacey and her bimbos who would do anything you ask?". I whiper-screamed to him .

"You know, you're kinda hot when your angry" he said out of nowhere and context while smirking. "Are you serious?, did you just say that?" I am really not liking this guy right now. I thought to my self while blushing through my teeth. What is happening to me?.

"'s okay I'm just kidding, look after school meet me at the car park and we'll go down to Willie ice cream place and we'll talk okay?" He suggested. I was gonna say no but I love Willie's ice cream place and it's been long since I've been there so I stupidly said yes.

"Fine, but your paying" I said sternly. "No problem" he said as the bell went. "Umm...I never told you my name". I told him shyly. "Your kendra Davis the geeky girl and your in all my classes" I never thought he noticed me. The bad boy noticed me.

"I gotta go to class, I'll see ya after school bye"I said calmly "ya bye" he replied in this really nice voice that makes me wanna...God what is happening to me. I kept thinking about the favour Tyler asked me and I thought hey my life is getting boring maybe I do need an excitement and maybe Tyler is just the thing I need. I wonder what Dylan would say?

During break

I really wanted to tell Dylan but I have to keep it a secret and I feel really bad not telling him about it but I'll live with it.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Dylan asked me looking worried. He could be sitting at the jocks table but he prefers sitting with me. I swear I am very lucky.

"oh nothing really...just some physics assignment" I lied right through my teeth. "if that's all? Then stop stressing, I'm pretty sure you can handle anything". Except being Tyler's girlfriend .

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