Warrior Code PetalClan Allegiance and the One-Shot

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Quietheart- a light grey shecat with green eyes. Her mate is Smokestar, her son is Clearpaw, her father was Sparkstorm, and her mother was Heatherflame.

Brackenclaw- a light brown tom with green eyes. His mate is Nettlerunner, he has no kits yet, his father and mother are unknown.

Leopardpelt- a spotted shecat with blue eyes. Her mate is Oakcloud, her sons are Treepaw and Beepaw, and her father and mother are unknown.

Oakcloud- a dark brown tom with yellow eyes. His mate his Leopardpelt, his sons are Treepaw and Beepaw, his father was Mouseblaze, and his mother is Icefur.

Blackeye- a black tom with dark blue eyes. His kin are unknown.


Clearpaw- a light grey tom with green eyes. His father is Smokestar, and his mother is Quietheart.

Treepaw- a brown tom with blue eyes. His brother is Beepaw, his father is Oakcloud, and his mother is Leopardpelt.

Beepaw- a spotted tom with yellow eyes. His brother is Treepaw, his father is Oakcloud, and his mother is Leopardpelt.


Wildclaw- a white and brown shecat with green eyes. Her mate was Tinysun, her sons are Coalkit and Shockkit, her daughters are Winterkit and Plumkit, and her father and mother are unknown.


Coalkit- a black tom with blue eyes. His brother is Shockkit, his sisters are Winterkit and Plumkit, his father was Tinysun, and his mother is Wildclaw.

Shockkit- a black and white tom with green eyes. His brother is Coalkit, his sisters are Winterkit and Plumkit, his father was Tinysun, and his mother is Wildclaw.

Winterkit- a white shecat with green eyes. Her brothers are Coalkit and Shockkit, her sister is Plumkit, her father was Tinysun, and her mother is Wildclaw.

Plumkit- a brown shecat with blue eyes. Her brothers are Coalkit and Shockkit, her sister is Winterkit, her father was Tinysun, and her mother is Wildclaw.


Icefur- a white shecat with yellow eyes. Her mate was Mouseblaze, and her son is Oakcloud.

Cat outside the Clan:

Lunar- a white shecat with light grey eyes. Used to be a and now is a loner. Kin is unknown.

Lionhowl- a ginger and grey shecat with light grey eyes. Her brother is Smokestar, her father was Jaggedstar, and her mother was Sleekfeather.


The white shecat walked outside of her house. She had finally ran out of her twoleg food. Now she either had to go hunt in the wild or starve to death. She would rather live than die so she decided to try to hunt. Thankfully her owners had lived in a lush forest so there must be something for her to eat in there. She carefully walked out into the forest and looked around with her grey ears pricked up so she could tell if anything was near.

The shecat kept walking through the forest until she couldn't remember which way she had to go to go back to her home. She couldn't hear anything either. That didn't help her.

"Help!" She yowled at the top of her lungs making some birds fly off into the air. The shecat crouched down low to the ground as she got more scared of the wild. Her stomach grumbled since she was hungry.

"Who's there?" Asked a voice. The shecat slowly got up but trembled. She didn't want to move. "I said who is there?" Asked the voice again. The shecat blinked her grey eyes and got the courage to say her name.

Lunar's DeathHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin