Twinkling Melodies

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A/N:  Okay, the first story I tried was an epic fail :P but I got a new idea! Bear with me, I know it’s probably not the best… but whatever! I’m still trying to find my spot in the writing world… keep in mind, I’m only 14 silly peoples that probably aren’t even reading this :/

As the first notes of Fur Elise started to play, the beautiful melody coming from Begonia Cox’s very own fingers, she immediately relaxed. Every single time she sat down in front of the piano, her fingers drifted to the oh-so-familiar beginning position of the melancholy piece.

Begonia was nothing special, that is, to herself. Everyone else thought she was amazing. In reality, she was your average fifteen year old girl. She had long, crimpy, brown hair, and ice-blue eyes. Her nose was sloped regally, well, it USED to be atleast. It was now slightly crooked thanks to an illy thrown football. Her mouth was usually sporting a toothy smile, or, if she was upset or thinking, a thin, straight line.

Begonia was average, in everything BUT music. Music was her escape. She played piano, and had been playing for over half her life.

As Begonia reached the part of Fur Elise that she could play with the most passion, the most understanding, and the most energy, a sharp knock shook her out of her music-induced reverie. She quickly turned her head, a scowl beginning to make it’s way across her normally serene features.

The scowl was quickly replaced with a look of surprise at the person who had so rudely interrupted her music.

The person who was standing in the doorway was unknown to Begonia. He was about sixteen, and had light brown hair, tousled and long. His eyes were warm and inviting, the color of melted chocolate. They also held a bit of a knowing smirk. Begonia tried to remember where she had seen those eyes before. They struck a chord with her, and not necessarily a nice chord.

The stranger’s mouth lifted in a small smile, and he opened his mouth after a moments hesitation.

                “ forgotten me already, have we love?” he said in a heartbreakingly familiar English accent. “’tis a shame. You know, I haven’t forgotten you.” His voice continued.

Begonia stared at him. The first name that came to her mind couldn’t be this boy standing in front of her, because that boy was millions of miles away, probably enjoying his time without her. And that boy couldn’t possibly remember her. But those eyes. Could they be…?

His face fell with disappointment as Begonia still continued to study his features with a look of utter confusion. He turned to go, but then hesitated and turned around.

                “Missed you ‘Gonia. I truly did…”

Within seconds, Begonia hurled herself across the room, her slight frame hugging his tall and…muscular? one.

“RHETT!” She screamed, not letting go.

Rhett Porter was Begonia’s best friend. Or had been, for one short year. He had moved to Ohio with his mother when he had been twelve and Begonia eleven. The two immediately clicked, and had special pet names for each other. Rhett had been “TT” and Begonia “Gonia”. He moved back to England after only 13 months in small and lonely Ohio, when his parents reconciled their differences and remarried.

Begonia wrote to Rhett, almost daily, but he never wrote back. After a year of no replies, a heartbroken Begonia finally stopped mailing the letters. But she never stopped writing… she waited, one day, he would write back. She knew it.

After one last hug, she stepped back, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes.

“You never wrote” she said simply, and walked out of the room.

Rhett grabbed her hand, spun her around, and gripped her shoulders. “’Gonia…” he began.

“save it. I’m done Rhett. I waited for a whole YEAR for you to reply. And now you show up, interrupting my music, and interrupting my life. I’m done.” Before she could struggle out of his grasp, Rhett sighed and looked her in the eyes.

“I’ve got a lot of explaining to do, don’t I?”

A/N: comments? Ideas? STAY WITH ME PEOPLE! I want this to WORK!

<3 SammiSecret ;)

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